girls who are post op Started by: Jade

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  • Jade

    for the girls who have already had their op, how long was it before the feeling of someone sat on your chest went? x


    It’s different for everyone depending on placement, skin tightness/elastcity ect ect. Anywhere between a few days and a month x


    I’m 6 days post op and can’t wait for the feeling to go! how long did yours last? x


    The first time it was about 3 weeks I think! I had unders which made it worse :/ I had overs this time and didn’t get any discomfort at all really given I had a ba all ready I was stretched out and what not! I hope it passes for you soon x


    I had unders too. ahh I hope it doesn’t last for 3 weeks! x


    Eeek I hope not! Maybe ask your Dr for a muscle relaxer? It will help immensely! x

    candybabey 3

    I’m 10 weeks and 6 days out from surgery so at being almost 3 months I still have the sensation of pressure on my chest weight well it’s not so ovious but sometimes when I’m flat on my.back on the bed I feel the pressure and although I had overs when I stretch my arms outward I can feel my skin stretch from the inside it’s slightly uncomfortable with sudden movements not always tho but you will feel some sort of weight now and then this does ease off well you get used to it as at end of it all still a foreign object underneath our body x


    I’m 10 days post op now and the only time I felt restricted was while the strapping was on. I couldn’t take a deep breath. But now it’s great and I can’t even feel they’re there! I only had 340cc overs though – I guess the size of the implant will make a difference.

    Chelsea 1

    I’m 8 days post op now and I feel fine, they feel sooo much better without strapping on!

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