Girls who had rhinoplasty, how did you deal with the comments after? Started by: Shelly

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  • Shelly

    I’m getting rhinoplasty done this year, but I will be going into my second year of university. And I met a lot, a lot of people in my first year!! So they will all know I’ve had a nose job since my nose is going to be an obvious difference after. The only thing that scares me more than me looking different, is those people stereotyping me to be ‘fake, plastic, shallow, vain etc.’. Which I know i’m definitely not, but it’s the usual comments people say about those who had plastic surgery. But I’ve hated my nose since I was 11 and I would have got it done years ago if I could, but I’ve only just managed to save enough up to get it done now. I just wondered how you dealt with the comments after? Did anybody’s opinions about you change after, did people act differently? I just want to know what to expect! xxx


    I’d be intrigued to know answers to this too! Iv’e had a BA where no-one really said much unless I mentioned it but rhinoplasty is next on my list (not out of vanity I was clearly not blessed in either department!)
    I know its all about how we feel but adverse reactions & what people in the office etc would say is my biggest concern!


    Hey I had rhino almost 10 months ago. At first ur nose will be swollen and wont take its final shape until a year afterwards. The tip of my nose has thinned out a lot and looks so much better. All I had was positive comments from the people who I told about it. At the end of the day the op is for YOU and no one else. In my experience nose jobs are much more accepted than boob jobs. I want a boob job in the future and that had some negative comments but I don’t care cuz I know I’m doing it for me and my own self esteem. People who don’t know you won’t notice cuz it looks so natural, I HATED mine so much and really feel it was the best decision I ever made – cosmetic surgery wise, go for it!! 🙂 x


    I’ve currently got my cast on my face at the moment from my rhinoplasty. I know how you feel, which is why I’ve decided to only tell close friends and family, I don’t want people judging me, thinking I’m fake, plastic, selfish etc. I’m also going to dye my hair, so when people notice a difference they will think its my hair haha. I think your nose is less obvious because it changes your whole face, people will notice something has changed but they won’t be able to deffinitley say, its your nose, because you don’t usually remember people by their noses haha, and they’ll just think its my hair 😀 xx


    Thats the other thing, when people first see you, your nose will be so swollen, it takes months to go down, so they’ll probably just think its changed normally, you wouldn’t think its from surgery xx


    Its not dramatically swollen when the cast comes off just a little cuz its been compressed in the cast. Looking back the swelling in my nose has changed so much but u won’t notice cuz it happens gradually. I liked my nose as soon as the cast came off, I wouldn’t worry about other people, theyre not worth it anyway x


    I hope it is swollen because mine is massive haha, I’ve seen some people say they hated their nose and were ‘horrified’ when the cast came off, mine is so big at the moment, my cast is off thursday xx

    Zoe 1

    I work in an office full of women and was so nervous of going back to work having rhino changed how my face looked and people could tell I looked different cos I had a lot taken off and it was so swollen so I just went in there and told them all! I felt it was better to just get it out instead of people staring at me wondering why I looked different but once I said I had it done everyone was really supportive and nice about it! People might say its a vanity thing but people that say that don’t have a clue how we feel! It’s more about feeling confident within yourself! X


    I told my mum and brother and 2 friends, I didn’t tell my dad until the day before my operation. No one else knows I have had it done, I’ve been to see my grandparents who I see twice a week and they have no idea and haven’t even commented on my appearence. I see people I know all the time and they all recognise me and don’t comment, I was paranoid about it at first because the first few weeks it looks a bit stuck on after the cast comes off but honestly not had a single comment off anyone.
    x x

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