Hi Girls
Im 9 days post op and wanted to know how long it will be until you can actually push your boobs together? (like you would in a push up bra)
I almost feel like I cant atm because of my stitches and wouldnt like to try but im interested to know. Also how long does it take for them to soften up? :confused:
It can take up to 6 months for boobs to soften. I regularly massaged mine and I found it helped a lot. I noticed I could push my boobs together at 4 – 6 weeks thats when my scar started to heal nicely. It may be different on each individual though?? xx
Yehhh mine squish together now and I’m 4 and a half weeks post op
Thats great mezza I cant wait for mine to do that I took off my tape yesterday which my nurse instructed me to do, however she said to lay in a full bath for half an hour, I chose to have a shower instead (less water on the scars and clean water) I have a few scabs around the scar but im amazed at how much you can hardly see them. There really neat and blend in well with my skin to say im only 12 days post op
Would you be able to tell me what happens after the BA? I’m a bit confused. When do you have to go back to see a nurse/surgeon? and when you leave the hospital do you have bandages and how long do they stay on for? Sorry for all the questions! lol My BA’s in just over a week
lolly my op was last wednesday, 410cc under,32b and currently wearing 34dd sports bra even though i only look about a C..
surgen was mr singh (lovely man)
i was allowed home thursday 9am, caught a 3 hour train.
even though some people can leave the same day if they choose.
the strap, i had to keep on for 4 days, depends for each person though, and i am seeing the nurse in a week from now, I have to wear a sports bra for about 6 weeks.
Lol. thats ok we all had loads of questioned to be answered before :bigsmile:
Different surgeons bandage you up differently. I had Dr Traynor and he used a large square sticker bandage on me then after a week my nurse replaced them with small tape over my incisions. She told me to leave it 4-5 days then have a full bath with baby wash and ease the tape off. I chose to have a shower instead with it being constant clean water, I thought it might of been better rather than completely soaking the area. My tape came off without any struggle or pain, however just the thought of it left me feeling slightly sicky! Its all well worth it though the incisions healing well and my scars really neat, boobies look great. Good luck with your BA and enjoy it I really enjoyed my experience 🙂
Hiya Stacey12 & Missmanace,
I was never bandaged up with 2nd BA but ”oh” I certainly was with my 1st BA (I looked like a mummy hehe). Mr Singh did my 2nd BA at MYA (fab surgeon I thought by the way)and this particular time Mr Singh never used drains either!!! (major plus point). Did you both have drains after your BA???…I did with first BA at Transform and I remember I had to go to the loo in the morning holding these bottles with blood in them connected to plastic pipes from each boob…luuurveeely!!…made me feel very queezy to say the least!!
I think I was very lucky 2nd time round. Emxxx:bigsmile::bigsmile::bigsmile:
Hi Emma
No I never had drains thank god the thought of them also made me feel very queezy! No bandages either just those stickers, which I was also glad about because I got to see them right away :bigsmile:
Hiya missmanace,
he he you make me laugh!! god the dreaded drains …Think we were lucky!!! When I was bandaged up 1st BA all I saw was my nipples poking out for 7 days..yes that how much I looked like a mummy!!!! hehe I even had the robotic arms to go with it!! hehe xxx
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