Go See your Surgeon!!! Started by: Linzi Evans

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    OMG!!!!! I cannot believe I have 2 more sleeps!
    Met with Mr Kazzazi yesterday around my thoughts of not going big enough, was definitely the right thing to do as he assured me 450cc implants were right for me.
    I went to see him, he fully listened to what I had to say, my worries and what I wanted the end result and he was amazing!!!! I then went to see Katy to try the implants on again and I left there last night beaming!!!! I am so happy and full of confidence with what MR K and Mya have suggested for me.
    I have seen surgeon twice and seen Mya consultants (both Louisa and Katy, both amazing and so lovely) 4 times to make sure I was 100%, I would recommend that if you have any doubt go back and see whoever you need to see!!!
    Mya consultants and MR K have been absolutely amazing!!
    Pic below of me trying my implants in again. Excuse the gut, it’s another thing I am working on for summer : )

    2 more sleeps till OP!!! 😀 😀



    Pic on profile
    wont upload 🙁

    Fionajsd 131

    Hi linzi ive friend requested u I had Mr k in January 🙂 x

    Amy 265

    Hi linzi totally agree Mr k leeds staff and defo doncaster are amazing. I saw him twice and he totally reasured me.
    Good luck x

    Jodie 16

    Have add u. Hope that’s ok x


    Thanks @Amy I’m so excited.
    @JO no problem 🙂

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