Going alone, scared! Started by: Hannah

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  • Hannah 214

    Hi all. My op is Friday and I’m suddenly so nervous. I think it’s because I’m going alone and my boyfriend will just be coming after work to pick me up. Has anyone else arrived alone and been by themselves all day. I’m scared to wake up alone :(. It seems like everyone I talk to has a parent or partner there xx

    Laura 143

    Hiya, mines next friday an im the same only i will be coming back alone too. My partner wants nothing to do with it! The only other people that know are my mum an my best friend but my mum cant come shes on 24hour oxygen an my friend will be at work! Shes away this week but once shes back im going to ask her see if theres any chance she could get the day off id feel so much better having someone with me plus she drives so would be better than an awkward ride with a random taxi driver on the way home lol x

    Yvette 85

    Hi can I ask why your partner wants nothing to do with it? Shouldn’t he be supporting you, enough to be there for you? Bloody men ???? Lol xx

    Hannah 214

    @lauraj1987 it’s scary the thought of going in alone isn’t it. My mum and best friend live to far away or I’d take one of them.

    Also are you a day case? As I don’t think MYA actually let you leave without someone with you x

    Hannah 214

    @witwoolou unfortunately for me my boyfriend can’t get the day off 🙁 stupid work haha! X

    Yvette 85

    Ha ha Is pulling a sticky out of the window? Lol xx

    Yvette 85

    Sicky * even

    Hannah 214

    Yeah Cus they would no why haha! He finishes at 3pm so will arrive when I’m out of it probably lol x

    Vicky 41

    My op is on the 8th sept and I’m going alone, I’m also over night but my partner will be picking me up the next day.

    Plus your not alone as you have all of us to keep you company over this if you need it xx

    Laura 143

    Yvette hes not supportive of it at all he doesnt want me to have it but its my money an my body so im doing it anyway lol. hannah i will have to check that, im going directly thought natural look clinic which is one that mya uses but i just cut out the middle man to save on travelling to leeds when i live near doncaster which is where the natural look clinic is xx

    Hannah 214

    @vixstar thanks Hun! I will definitely be using this, it’s fab being able to talk to everyone in the same boat 🙂 x

    Hannah 214

    @lauraj1987 ah ok! Yes do check definitely, not sure if they have the same rules x

    Chloe 122

    I went on my own n I had to wait from 7am till my op at 3pm! But it was fine I just enjoyed the peace n quiet lol (I have 4 kids), I’d also went to my first op on my own in April that was for my gallbladder but it really isn’t that bad xx

    Laura 143

    Did they let you out on your own or did someone pick you up xx

    Hannah 214

    @littlec87 wow that’s a long wait! What time did you go home in the end? Xx

    Yvette 85

    Shame, mine was the same, and he kept making little digs at me, told him I’m having it done and is nothing to do with him. I think mayb jealousy kicks in (not all) but they shit themselves …. you’ll have big boobs and it will get attention …. they don’t like it but quite good at hiding their feelings, from my experience haha
    Too right you do what you want….he will come around eventually….lol xx

    Laura 143

    Thats exactly it @Yvette hes even said that to me that im doing it for the attention! Gets me right mad because he knows how i feel about my boobs an how uncomfortable i am with him even touching them because they are just full of loose skin an as much as i tell him im doing this for me an to make me feel better hes having none of it. He either comes around after or he leaves thats up to him, i have paid for the op already so its happening lol xx

    Chloe 122

    @hannahlaura i wasn’t with mya I stayed in, come out of surgery at 5.45 then went home midday the following day xx

    Hannah 214

    @witwoolou @lauraj1987 men will be men! They prob worry other men will be after you and you’ll leave them, they do have some funny thoughts haha! I’m sure he will come around.

    I’m lucky, my boyfriend had cosmetic surgery himself 18 months ago, so couldn’t say anything to me. As I was nothing but supportive to him lol. X

    Steph 18

    Hi Hannah

    I went in on my own as my boyfriend had to get back home for work.

    It was totally fine the amount of staff that came in to see me who were all lovely. I wasn’t really alone for long at all but took a book with me and just sat on the bed.

    My mam came to pick me up she got there a few hours after my op.

    You will honestly be ok, to be honest I felt better on my own as I would have been so nervous with my family sat waiting with me I would have been asking them loads of questions and would have been getting myself in a state.

    Steph xx

    Hannah 214

    @spark Thanks Steph! It’s great to hear that there’s a lot of staff around :). I feel silly for worrying but I’m a little calmer about it today! Some days my emotions are all over the place haha. How has your recovery been? xx

    Steph 18

    @hannahlaura it’s totally normal to have mixed emotions I was the same but I just kept on thinking about how much happier I would feel in myself and would have confidence in my body once it was done. I

    I feel brilliant now I will be 4wpo on Friday. I had 300cc unders and other than sickness because I has taking my antibiotics after I had eaten the first 2 days but when I stopped the pain killers 3dpo and took the antibiotics before meals. I had no pain just felt like I was hunching my shoulders.

    Are you having unders or overs. What size are you going for?

    Steph xx

    Yvette 85

    If it was the other way round they wouldn’t think twice….one rule for them and another for us!!!
    Sounds like jealousy to me haha
    My baby’s dad was constantly digging me and now he’s making remarks about them looking stupid….jealous!! If they cared they shouldn’t be making us feel awful for something that means soo much to us.
    Men anger me lol

    Hannah 214

    @spark you know you’re so right, I will be thinking that to myself now, as I will be so much happier afterwards.

    Ah fab! Glad you’re feel good :), especially with unders as I know that’s meant to be the worst! I’m having 375 on the left, 400 on the right and Partials xx

    Chelsea 15

    Hi Hannah, just found this old post because I’m going alone too but getting picked up after. Was it ok when you arrived on your own? Only because on the admission time email it says ‘when you arrive with your chaperone’ lol x

    Shelly love 22

    Ah you’ll be ok .. you will have us . But honestly the lead up is scary but it’s over and done with so quick . I was very sleepy after drozey and falling in and out of sleeps . You will be totally fine Hun . X

    Chelsea 15

    @rochelle123 ¡ Ahh thank you! I’m thinking more so will they still go ahead if I go in on my own. Because at pre op the nurse says I have to have someone with me going in and the admission email says it’s too =\ x

    Shelly love 22

    Double check .. i think it’s definitely for discharge purposes. As you of course can’t leave alone . I did get this with my email . But my sis came with me and pretty much left the room the majority of time I was there . Should be fine though x

    Hannah 214

    @valentina11 it was fine arriving alone! Tbh I had a great day and didn’t have to worry about anyone else. You only need someone with you for discharge, so my partner arrived after work xx

    Chelsea 15

    Thanks Hannah! Yeah I definitely got someone to pick me up. Ahh ok I can relax now then! Thank you xx

    Hannah 214

    @valentina11 enjoy yourself 🙂 everyone’s lovely xx

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