Going back to work – pain 1 week later? Started by: Holly

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  • Holly 10

    Hi everyone,
    I have my breast augmentation in 2 weeks, Ahh excited!! I have booked a week off work after, I work in an office sat down all day.

    I’m going under the muscle, I’m currently 28b, and will be between 260cc – 325cc. Could anyone tell me how they felt and what the pain was like after 7 days?

    Thank you!

    Beita 14

    Hi hun, I had 400cc partials and am 6dpo. Still in a fair amount of pain at the moment and having paracetamol four times a day with ibuprofen. No longer on the codeine though. I’m off work until 2/1/18, so hoping I’ll be ok to go back by then. Hope this helps x

    Jo 19

    Hi hun I had 375cc and am now 15dpo. I’m still taking paracetamol and I go back to office work on 2nd Jan, I had my op on 13th Dec, I also had stiches which were only removed yesterday so it really depends on u on how you feel hun cause everybody different.
    Good luck and enjoy x


    Hi Hollly, I’m 9 days post op and had 275cc under the muscle (was 32AA before) – I felt ok after one week, I still have muscular pains but nothing too bad and have been off all the pain killers for a few days now. I had extra time off due to Christmas but would have felt fine going back after a week :)…. Xx

    Maria 21

    Hi, I was off all pain killers from 5dpo. I went to work after a week. Just felt tired really. Everyone is different, pain definitely will have subsided after the week xx

    Emily 12

    I had 350cc under in October and went back to work on day 6. I had minimal pain but was exhausted. I wish I’d had longer off but it wasn’t impossible 🙂 x

    Holly 10

    Hey @BEITA thank you for your help! Bit nervous about how I will feel, hopefully I will be okay after a week! Thank you I hope you recover well x

    Holly 10

    HI @ALISSIA XX thank you for your help, it’s really good to hear from someone that’s having the same size and under the muscle like me! Hope you recover well!xx


    @hollychecketts no problem :)…honestly you will be fine probably just a little tired still. Days 1-2 were the worst and then from about day 5 I started to feel much better. The pain was no way near as bad as I thought it was going to be though. Good luck 🙂 xx

    Jodie 41

    Day 1 & 2 were the worst for me! I had 425 partials, I also work in an office and I had 5 days off and I felt fine going back to work xxx

    Katie 206

    I was fine after about 3 days but to be honest I hardly took any pain killers. I only took them for a couple of days before bed. The worst part of it all for me was the back pain from sleeping upright. Everyone is different but I think if you take it easy at work you will be absolutely fine. Xx


    I had 275 unders. I’m 10dpo and tried driving today.. couldn’t use my hand break or get into 5th gear and I was still in quite a bit of pain just on one side on day 7. I personally would recommend two weeks off (but I supppse it depends on what you do for work) just remember also that people recover at different rates, some girls will be fine after 1 week and some might need up to 3 xx


    I had unders and couldn’t drive for at least two weeks so didn’t go back to work, hurt changing gear and even closing my door but everyone’s different and has different healing processes. I think they do recommend two weeks off after surgery if you have a less manual job xx

    Emily 16

    I’m 5ft 2 7 st 10
    I had 265 unders and went back to work after having 11 day off I sit down in a office however the only thing that hurt my was my back I’m not sure if it was my band or my body not used to sitting in that position however everything else was fine. I did struggle getting into 5th gear in the car x

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