Going out after surgery?…. Started by: hayley thirkettle

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    hey girls !
    im having my opp at the end of march so got a little while yet but was wondering if anyone could tell me about going out/clubbing and wearing nice clothes if you are allowed to not wear your sports bra for one night or is this not allowed??
    new to all this little bits of extra infoooo
    x x


    Hey chick ur supposed to wear ur sports bra 24/7 for the first 6 weeks.. some girls have a night out and go braless before they should though.. in my opinion 1 night wouldnt kill but its entirely up to u if u wana take chance or not x


    Ah okay Thankyou !!
    Maybe it will just be about finding things to wear which cover up the sports bra !
    Thankyouuuu love !! X


    Hi Hayley, I too am I very excited about the breast augmentation surgery which has been scheduled on 1st week of April. Dr. Ronald Levine in Toronto is my surgeon. I just had two meetings with him, the last meeting was on last week. I too had this doubt, forgot to ask him. Anyway, thanks for clearing it out Missy.


    Hi Hayley, I too am I very excited about the breast augmentation surgery which has been scheduled on 1st week of April. Dr. Ronald Levine in Toronto is my surgeon. I just had two meetings with him, the last meeting was on last week. I too had this doubt, forgot to ask him. Anyway, thanks for clearing it out Missy.

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