good luck!!! Started by: sammy29

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  • sammy29

    :bigsmile:hi girls been on here most day’s looking for info and learnt so much from reading all your stories and questions e.t.c. so would like to say thanks it really helps with any queries i had, i’am defo getting mine done but won’t be till this time next year:sad: as i decided winter time would be ideal to get them done because of ugly sports bras, no heat to irritate scars and if one decides to drop before the other you’ll be well covered in thick winter clothes so no one will notice haha. could get a loan tomorrow as my credit rating is good now (never used to be) but don’t want to go down the loan route. it seems like a very long way off but know it will soon come round i’ll keep playing the lottery ya never know i only want 5 numbers haha. anyway just want to say GOOD LUCK to all you girls who are having there’s done and counting down hours, day’s and weeks opposed to month’s like me haha please keep us posted and any info on what to expect during and after would be great and any pics also would be great to if ya don’t mind thanking you all very much :bigsmile: sammy xxxx


    Hi sammy im saving for mine and wont be gettin mine done for about 6 or 7 months :( feels like its gna take forever



    Totally know what you mean hun, I waited til Oct cos I didn’t want to go through it in the summer x


    :bigsmile:i agree im getting mine done 18th dec so you can cover up while your recovering and they will be perfect for next years holidays!


    hi Sw_1_x glad i’am not the only one having to wait for what seems like a life time :bigsmile: totally think winter is best time to have them done though and i’am jealous that rio and juicylips are nearly there haha when did you decided to have them defo done and how long have you been waiting i’ve wanted mine done for ages really but only just decided to sod it and get them done wished i thought of it last year i would be counting down weeks now haha:bigsmile:


    :boogie:i went on the new you boot camp last aug 08 lost weight off my chest not the thighs since then ive been considering it more seriously .been doing my research since this july decided definetly to get it done & go for the 3 weeks off work at xmas just hope its enough time to recover.i work in a chocolate factory so theres lifting involved in my job


    why is it you always lose weight from the wrong areas haha typical!! but well done you anyway, 3 weeks sound’s good but do ya think ya boss’s will let you do less lifting incase ya not quite ready or have ya not told them what ya having done? xxx


    no they wont know till i go back to work hopefully the lads i work with will help me with the heavy things .mr kazzazi said i will be ok after 3 weeks but you just dont know.the thing im dreading is missing the gym for 4-6 weeks take me a while to get back into it.but hey it`ll be worth it in the end!


    i’am sure the lads will be pleased to help ya haha i can’t imagine going the gym after with the extra weight of ya new boobies good luck and keep us posted xx

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