Good nite sleep???? Started by: kellyg

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  • kellyg

    Hi girls,

    I am almost 1 week post op now and im starting to get frustrated that i cant sleep on my side.

    Can anyone give some advice on how long it is before you are able to have a good nights sleep and get all cuddlie with your partner and dont wake up aching in the mornings???

    Thanks, Kelly x


    Hi Kelly

    Orr i know what you mean, im almost 3 mths post op after having an uplift with implants, i went on my side at about 6 wks, you prob with be sooner.

    I used to get really uncomfy at about 3am and end up downstairs and sleeping sat up in the chair for the 1st 2 wks, it will get easier, but i know exactly how you feel, i really missed going on my side.

    Enjoy being fussed over, doesnt last long lol x


    Hi Kelly

    I always sleep on my side, so found it very uncomfortable sleeping on my back too.

    I tried sleeping on my side at 3 weeks post op, but had to go back onto my back after 10 minutes! But at 4 weeks post op it felt fine on my side, i just alternate sides during the night! I am 7 weeks post op on Wednesday :)
    It does get easier as the weeks go by, and you’ll soon be cuddling up to your partner :) xx


    hi girls i used to sleep on my stomach so you can imagin how i feel, i probably never will again.. im 2 weeks post op n still sleep with 2 pillovs behind my head so i cant roll over, hoping to roll onto my side shortly.. nightmare eh..x


    OMG I can’t imagine ever being able to sleep on my front again !!! Would be like laying on two footballs lol hehe xx


    Im nearly 4weeks post op and still there is no way i can lay on my side. Im still sleeping propped up cos its more comfy that way for me. x


    Thanks for your comments girls – its reasuring to know that this wont last forever.

    Cant wait to have a good cuddle with my man x

    Kelly x

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