Got My Admission Time!! Started by: Lianne

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  • Lianne 16

    Just received an email with my admission time for this Thursday, 7am at London Fitzroy! Nice and early 🙂 Anybody else have their op this day at Fitzroy? xx

    Laura 47

    Oh that’s fantastic! I’m hoping for an early one – I had booked 11am but ? Apparently this can change? I’m in Preston on Thursday. You’re absolutely right, get in early and get home as soon as possible! Good luck xx


    Hi Lianne,
    I just got an email too.. my admission time is also 7 am at Fitzroy!
    So excited xx

    Lianne 16

    @lolabelle328 11am is quite a good time, not too early not too late! What implants are you having? Are you feeling nervous yet haha? xx

    @clairesarahoakley Oh yay finally found someone whos on the same day, I was beginning to think I was the only one haha! What implants you having? Im excited too, but having last minute panics about size etc. lol. Where are you travelling from? xx


    I am travelling from St Albans, yourself?
    Ughh, I know what you mean! Literally for the past week all I have been doing is looking at boob pictures! Also had all of the girls and my family trying to tell me I don’t need them done, that my boobs are fine as they are.
    I am currently a B/C going to a DD. Which is 475cc implants, what about you?xx

    Lianne 16

    @clairesarahoakley I’m travelling from Canvey Island. Yeah me too, I have literally lived on this forum haha! Oh, I’ve been getting a lot of that too, everyone around me apart from like 1-2 people have said “why you doing that, do you really want to do that, you dont need to” bla bla bla, it really puts me down tbh, makes me doubt my decision! Ah yours are gonna look great, are you having high profile? I’m a B and having 350cc mod plus, although I have had last minute panic about the size and really do want to change to 375 but unfortunately my PC said its too late now 🙁 xx

    Laura 47

    Hi I just got my email. 1 pm admission which isn’t really what I wanted but it’ll have to do! I’m having either 350 or 375 hp unders. I’ve been so excited but now im getting a bit nervous!
    Lianne I can’t believe they said you can’t change? My pic ordered me 325, 350 and 375 so I can chose it n the day with my surgeon. I’d readress that one! X

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