got my admission time!! any advice or tips girls! Started by: hannahxx

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    Heyy, i’ve just been given my admission time, 7.30am tues!! soooo excited! 🙂
    just wondering if anyone had any advice or tips about what to take, wear and stuff after op etc! bit unorganised considering its like 5 days away!
    but yayy, 420cc unders on 5th nov, can’t wait!

    Kirsty -4

    R u going in as a day case or over night? Xx

    lynseygibz 1

    I would def say take an over nite bag just in case even if your a day case because I was meant to be a day case and ended up stayin over nite so it was a good job I had one in the car also snacks and juice for after your op because you can get bored of water lol lots of magazines lap top or iPad or phone or things to keep you occupied when you back up feeling better wear loose clothes on the bottom half and clothes the fasten at the front and doesn’t have to go over your head Hun also take a pillow with you for the car journey home it’s a life saver I took one with me everytime I got in the car for the 1 st week dressing gown but you can use there’s if you want slippers I can’t think of anything else but will have another think for you just doing kids teas lol good luck hope everything goes ok xxxx


    awh thank you lynsey that is great help!! 🙂 im only a day case so i hope they let me go but you never know!! dreading the journey home so a pillow is such a good idea, i can just imagine how uncomfy im going to be 🙁 i think im going to wear a tracksuit or something easy to put on, otherwise my mom will have to dress me haha, thanks a lot 🙂 XXXX

    lynseygibz 1

    Your welcome Hun def take the pillow I live in hull and went to Doncaster so it was needed for the car journey I just wore my track suit bottoms didn’t bother with a top underneath and just put a track suit top on that zipped up at the front coz I was only goin from the hospital to the car then from the car in my house lol and it was comfy my husband helped me get dressed out of my gown coz you can’t do much after the op I was a day case but because the anesthic took longer to come out of my system leaving me really dizzy and sickie they didn’t want to send me home untill I was 100% which I thought was really good of them and they didn’t charge me extra for stayin in either but it is a good idea just to take an over night bag you’ll prob be fine and won’t need it but just in case then at least you’ve got it Hun I bet your so excited good luck let me know how you get on I can’t believe I had mine done 4 weeks ago on sat it goes so quick xxxx

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