Got my admission time for Wed! All very real now!! Started by: Jennifer

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  • Jennifer 90

    Girls I’ve just got my admission time for wed 1st april, 1. 30pm at Preston first trust! Starting to feel very real now, nearly cried when I got the email! The only op/general anaesthetic i’ve ever had is tonsils out when I was 9 so i’m pretty terrified and worried but trying to stay positive & thinking about my lovely new twins i’ll be meeting when i wake up :p xxx

    Danielle 131

    Good luck hun! The staff at Preston are so nice you are in good hands 🙂 x


    You will be fine hun 🙂 Good luck! 🙂 will be totally worth it xx


    Awww I must got mine too!!!! 11am!!! :)))) xxxx

    Trace 158

    Damn it – I haven’t got mine yet, but I’m in Manchester!!! Did it come via Email?

    How exciiiiitiiiinnnnggggg!!!!!

    are you an overnight case? x

    Jennifer 90

    @destijl @lisamaria thanks ladies! Can’t wait! 🙂 xx
    @sammyjanecraig yayyy how exciting! 🙂 xx

    yeah via email 🙂 yes i’m an overnight stay hun what about you? Xx

    Trace 158

    I’m a day case – just thought it was quite late and was hoping I would be earlier!

    Damn – I keep checking my emails but still nothing!! xx

    Hayley 64

    Exciting times! Good luck! xx

    Jennifer 90

    @tracyface yeah i knew mine would be a late one with me staying over, hope you get yours soon hun xx

    thank you hun! Good luck with yours tomorrow! 🙂 Xx

    Alex 119

    Good luck @jennifer1990 not long now 🙂 xo

    Jennifer 90

    @alex91 thank you hun, I know! Scary :/ xx

    Hayley 64

    Thank you! So nervous and just on way down to London now. Will let you all know how it goes 🙂 xx

    Francesca 14

    Hello Ladies!
    I’m also in on Wednesday with Mr Traynor as an overnight case. I’m supposed to arrive at 1pm. My friend had hers done 2.5 weeks ago (same 350cc implant size and same 32a/b starting bra size) and they look amazing so i’m very excited now!
    I’m glad it’s later as I’m travelling from Warrington so I’ll be glad to skip rush hour traffic!

    Jennifer 90

    @ftaitt2 hi hun! Have added you hope that’s ok, traynor said i’m a 32 a/b also & i’m having 425/450cc 🙂 will see you there! 🙂 xx

    Francesca 14

    @jennifer1990 I feel like I might be getting boob greed! I might ask to go up to 375/400. What size do you aim to be? I initially wanted a c/d but now I’m thinking a dd might be nice! Mr Traynor only offered me up to 350 though- said my frame might not suit larger (I’m 5″10 and quite slim but have a butt and sort of muscly legs from weight training) and I also run marathons/half marathons so I was worried about them sagging with the repeated bouncing! decisions decisions! Maybe I should ask them to order the other sizes in case i decide bigger on the day! You going under or over? Mine are unders as have a bony chest!

    Tracey 43

    Good luck @jennifer1990 don’t work yourself up, I did today and now it’s all done I’m wondering why, everything was fine and the team at Doncaster were brilliant,couldn’t have asked for better care xx

    Jennifer 90

    @ftaitt2 yeah i was kinda the same hun, wanted a d cup but then started worrying about paying all that money & getting boob greed etc so decided dd would be nice 🙂 & weren’t expecting traynor to offer me that big I was shocked at first and was going to go for the smallest of the 3 he offered me (375/400) but the more I thought about it & got advice from ladies on here I decided to go for the 425/450’s as he wouldn’t have offered them to me if he didn’t think they’d suit me etc x he’s going under the muscle, my chest is fairly bony aswell & not a lot of breast tissue he said. Yeah it’s worth asking hun, he might go a little bit bigger for you but he also knows what he’s talking about so I bet the 350’s will be perfect for you, i’m like an empty b after having my son so I prob have more to fill if you know what I mean x I know what you mean about sagging though i keep having little wobbles about that and thinking should I go smaller so they don’t sag! Lol it is a hard decision! Xx

    Jennifer 90

    @beakysbird thank you tracey 🙂 I can’t get excited about it coz the fear outweighs the excitement lol, Will all be over soon 🙂 happy healing to you hun xx

    Jennifer 90

    @ftaitt2 hi hun! Tried public/private msging you but keeps saying error :/
    Nurse said hi from you! Hi back! 🙂 hope you’re ok!! i’m in a bit of pain & discomfort but just ate for the 1st time since 7.30am so it was delightful! Lol, think we’re the only 2 in overnight are we? What time did you come out of theatre? xxx

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