Gurgling noise?! Started by: Gemma

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  • Gemma 25

    Morning All
    I am now 2dpo and keep hearing ‘gurgling’ noises from my implants, and can also feel like a bubbling sensation sometimes when I make certain movements! I’ve not seen anyone say this before here so thought would ask if anyone else has had it and when it clears up?
    Obviously I have googled and they say it can be quite normal as it’s just the pocket around the implant but wanted to know first hand if anyone else has had this? Thanks xx

    Heidi blades 28

    Yes hun that is normal I had it it’s just the pockets settling and possibly a little air in there it’s a very strange feeling x but not to worry

    Gemma 25

    Thank you Heidi. Yes very strange feeling x

    Elizabeth 5

    Hi Heidi,

    Did yours stop doing that eventually or is it permanent?

    My op is 4 weeks tomorrow so just trying to get an idea of what to expect!

    Hope you’re recovering ok Gemma! x

    Heidi blades 28

    Yes hun it does stop x

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