Gushing sensation in nipple Started by: Tracy

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  • Tracy 35

    Hey ladies, help! Please I’ve had a few problems with my right breast, the swelling in it made my breast look deformed, I finally got that under control using ice constantly and then last night I was woke up by an incredible shooting pain in my nipple then when I moved I felt like fluid was gushing into my nipple, this has continued all day every time I move It happens accompanied with a shooting pain, I feel like every time I move I have to hold my breast (not that it helps) is this normal recovery stuff? I’m experiencing, and any advice would really be appreciated x x x x

    Imogen 2

    I’ve got a very similar feeling, one breast is more swollen and gives me so much grief with shooting pains all through the day and now today my nipple is basically hypersensitive and burning! How many days post op are you? Xxx

    Tracy 35

    Hi Hun I’m exactly two weeks today, it’s the strangest feeling isn’t it, I spoke to the nurse yesterday she adviced me to go in today and get it checked out @imogensarah what day are you on? X x x

    Imogen 2

    @tracyl yeah you should see your nurse just to put your mind at ease! I’m only 1 week post op and my nurse said its just part of healing and some people lose sensitivity in their nipples and some experience extra sensitivity so I guess we are just extra sensitive! Xxxx

    Tracy 35

    Hi Girls just to update you iv seen the nurse today about this, she has contacted my surgeon who I’m seeing next week to get it checked out, he said it sounds like seroma and may just need to be drained (really hoping it sorts it’s self out) has anyone else had this? I could have seen him tomorrow but I think he was up north, so going to wait until he comes to Birmingham next week x x x

    Jane 9

    Hi Tracy,

    I can feel a weird sensation in my right boob that feels a bit like gushing or even fluttering but it’s not accompanied with any pain….what was the outcome of yours? Have you seen the surgeon yet?

    I’m not that worried as my boobs are strapped up super tight at the moment but just noticed the gushing feeling today when I moved about a bit and wondered if that’s normal?


    Tracy 35

    Hi @becster i’m not seeing the surgeon until Thursday, although the pain is easing off now, still getting the gushing sensation but mine is still quite swollen, I spoke to some else who had this but without the pain or swelling and they were told it was normal, so I wouldn’t worry to much, speak to your nurse when you have the strapping removed x x x

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