GUTTED!!! ?? Started by: Gina

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  • Gina 39

    So dissapionmted!!! Wanted to go to an E but my sergeon suggested not to because my skin had been stretched already after having big boobs and then they became empty, so he would only give me 300cc with and uplift, from a B cup and said he could achieve DD. I was disappointed but thought dd uplift is better than my horrid saggy B!!!!! 🙂 when i 1st had strapping off i thought wow theyre perfect iloved them!!!
    But two weeks PO now and every time i take off my bra they seem to be getting smaller and smaller as the sweling has gone and i think ill only be a D.. I feel proper gutted ? sounds like a small difference but its a big difference when. I look in the mirror!! I feel like ive gone through all this pain and come out feeling like i wanna cry all the time!! Hopefully ill feel better once they change shape or can get into a bra!

    Amy 4

    Aw Gina sorry to l hear ya sound dissapionted. Remember though your really early on still, and they’ve still got to drop and will change shape. Wait and see how you feel when your 6 weeks, they might look completely different by then? I was told too I couldn’t have any bigger than 300cc, so my thinking was ok I’m not going to have massive boobs, but at least I’ll have a decent size that sits in a nice place? Don’t freak out, it’ll take a little while till they look like what they are doing to actually be like hun? Xx

    Gina 39

    Yeah your right, like theyre a million times better than what they did!!! Have to focus on that i suppose.. Thanks hun 🙂
    Going to see nurse today 🙂 x

    Amy 4

    Hiya ? , how did your nurse appointment go today? Xx

    Gina 39

    Hello :)only just seen this message.
    It went ok thankyou, had all dressing off, shes out a little patch as a little bit was open.
    Took bra off today and a little bit if stitch was bleeding, only a little bit ive put a plaster on it but freaking out a bit!! Is that normal you think? It was healed now bled? Xx

    Amy 4

    Has it bled much? Maybe give them a ring and ask just to make sure? I went this morning, my left side still isn’t healed so still got a dressing on that, not what I wanted to hear, really wanted a shower. That will make it 5 weeks next week when I go back. She said I’m ok to go back to work Monday though so I’m happy about that. I asked about sleeping the nurse said to try still sleep up a little bit cause my bad one is still a bit swollen, but I can sleep with just my two normal pillows then my v pillow over the top, feels a lot better than how I was sleeping so that’s a positive! When have you got to go back again? Xx

    Gina 39

    No hardly any blood like litterally a picked scab??
    Oh thats annoying about your left boob atleast the other one is ok though! So whay date you got after Christmas??
    Im going back 28th Dec that will make 6 weeks po.
    Oh really? Im going to stay laying at 45 until thr swelling has gone and they feel a abit more nomal well worth messing them up aint it!!
    Was u happy with them when you saw them??
    I put another spotts bra on today and they look big in it.. The other bra sort if flattened them!! Xx

    Amy 4

    Hiya Gina! How have you been? I’ve not been on here for a little while. My left boob is better than it was, I’ve still got a little bit that isn’t healed, so still got a dressing on that, have been going back every week to get it changed. I’ve been given some dressings to do it myself ? . I got a shower this morning for the first time in 5 weeks, was so excited!! Lol! Hope you’ve been ok xx

    Gina 39

    Hiya, glad your getting on ok. You ok being back at work?
    Haha brt that felt good!! Hows your arms?
    Im still quite restricted with mine. My left boob still feels odd!! Ny wounds on my right boob are still open, one has came open even more, phoning nurses today for an appointment! They don’t give enough dressing!!! X

    Amy 4

    Yeah ok, it does go like a tight feeling while I’m at work, but the nurse said its still swollen, it’s ok when I’m at home. My right arms ok, but my left one isn’t normal yet, I still feel like I’m a hunch back! Oh no way!! Sorry to hear that. How come it’s opened even more? Hope your better soon. My left side still isn’t healed either, going back in a week for another check. That will be nearly 6 weeks from my second op ? . Xx

    Gina 39

    Hi hun, how you getting on now? Your at 6 weeks now arnt you? Im 5 tomorrow, getting there!! 🙂 im back to normal totally now other than lifting arms right up is still a bit sensitive. Open wounds are closing slowily but nicely so thats ok!
    Boob have WELL shrunk!!! He told me DD but defo think ill only be a C 🙁 They look amazing though just hoping they may fluff a bit yet and look a bit bigger??
    How are yours? Xx

    Abbey 17

    Hey, what sergeon did you have? I’ve had s few friends say mr c.. I will need an uplift with implant too! Not sure on size yet!! I work out at the gym everyday so I’m so nervous to get them done and not be able to work out for weeks!! X

    Gina 39

    Oh you’ll be ok.. It is tough the first week.. The pain is bareable, i think it only hurt when i sat up first thing in the morning! Getting comfy was a nusence! I hate trying to get comfy more than the pain so cant be that bad! Well worth it 🙂 youll be fine.
    When’s your op? Good luck keep us updated 🙂 x

    Abbey 17

    Sorry took a while it doesn’t notify you. My op is booked 26th Jan! He is doing 300cc and 325cc as one side bigger and having partials moderate? I want high profile though and didn’t realise the difference so I hope I can ask him on the day for HP!!? I’m a D atm so I hope I don’t go too big! DD is what I asked for x

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