Gutted! Started by: Chel

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  • Chel 31

    Seriously don’t know why I bothered with a ba. 🙁 I’ll be 5 weeks post op on Monday. I wore a 32a before very padded to make it look like I had boobs.

    I had 275cc unders.

    I’ve used every online bra measurement calculator I can find and I’m measuring 34aa (must of had the wrong back size for years! )

    To say im upset is an understatement. And to make it worse I don’t even have a cleavage! I didn’t think my gap was that big pre op so thought I might get one! I feel exactly the same as pre op when I’m wearing a top… It’s made no difference!

    Ashie 36

    Awww hun i no its like nearly a week early but y dont u go to debenhams or ann summers and gets measured properly. Was tht the highest amount off CC u got offerd? X

    Chel 31

    Then I look at before and after… There’s such a huge difference! Why am I still an AA!?

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    Chel 31

    Hi @ashie I said I wanted to be as natural as possible whilst going as big as poss. He said he’ll see on the day how 275 and 300 look but went for 300! I might try and go somewhere today! Xx

    Vanessa 56

    you are not an AA!
    aa is flat!
    id guess you were a C hun
    they look amazing! i’d be really happy xxxx

    Chel 31

    Also I’ve just tried on an old bra and it’s way too small! I do to think these calculators are right! I’ve just got myself all worked up for nothing!

    Emma 16

    There’s no way you’re an aa hun! I wouldn’t go off the online stuff, wait til you’ve been measured in store. I’d be so happy if mine turn out like yours x


    @chel hi I’m a 32aa and i would love mine to look like yours do now they look great defo not an acup go get measured somewhere I’m sure u will be surprised x

    kelly p 33

    These bra meausre img things are weird
    I am pre ba and I measure online anything between a 32 d no way and a 36aa
    I’m no way a 36 band as my 34 is on tightest hook and still loose
    Don’t get upset by it you are by no way an a cup
    What size sports bra you wearing 🙂 x

    Ashie 36

    Id say your about a C cup hunni deffo not an a cup. Go and get urself measured for piece of mind and let me no xx

    Ashie 36

    Also unders take longer to fluff out they say between 6weeks-6 months for unders to settle properly so they might get a little bigger so the gap will close xx

    Jorgia 7

    Doesn’t matter what the website says, your boobs look nice darling! X

    Rosy 35

    Agree with all the other ladies Hun you are NO WAY an AA they look really good! What measurements have you got? What’s your under bust in inches and what’s your measurements around the fullest part? Xx

    Chel 31

    @ROSY My fullest part was 34imches. Under bust is 28
    And above and under arm is 33.
    But my implants sit quite high still!

    @ASHIE Thanks Hun I’ve just popped to newlook and tried on a few completely unpadded bras and 34bs are the nicest fit! So I’m feeling a bit better now! I’ll get measured properly after 6 weeks!

    kelly p 33

    i used
    and with what you said you came out a 30f
    some traditional bra measuring use the plus 4 method where they add 4 inches to your under bust
    this is not widely used any more as bra manufactuaters don’t follow this guide
    with your stats id be very surprised if you were a 34 inch back
    your tiny
    The plus 4 method just doesn’t work
    it brings me to a 36 inch back and theres no way id be a 36 a 34 is on the tightest hook on me

    When you try on a bra it should fit snug on the loosest hook
    this way as the elastic gives you can move it up to the tightest
    hope this helps xx

    Lisa 8

    Try not to worry about it, I’ve been quite naughty and been measured at just over 3 weeks… And even ended up buying a couple of bras.. I went to ann summers and I was recommended 34dd (but they don’t measure they just go by what looks and feels ok???) so I went to debenhams and I was properly measured and came up as 32ff !!!! Mine seriously don’t look / feel that size but the bras did fit…. So I’m even more confused than before! so going to wait for my 6 week check and then get a 3rd sizing and I’m going to mention about the big differences in sizes I’ve been measured at… Hopefully I will be somewhere in the middle! And I think I will take one of my new dd bras with me to ask if they think it fits correctly, if not will be taking it back to ann summers x

    Lisa 8

    And @jonesyc boobs look great I think you will deff be anything between a c- d cup x

    kelly p 33

    @lisa your boob spook huge
    I’m going for 375cc unders but UHP i can only dream to be a DD xxx

    kelly p 33

    look not spook sorry x


    @chel your boobs look amazing hub! Deffos not an a cup. I hope mines come out as perfect as yours xxx

    Sophie 1

    Your boobs are amazing!! Definitely still not an AA. I wish I had cleavage like yours! I’m unfortunately blessed with the gap! Xxx


    Theyrr defo not an AA, and they look amazing! Id say defo a C! 🙂 and youve got to wait for them to drop & fluff! Xx

    Chel 31

    Thanks ladies! You’ve helped me feel so much better! I tried a few more calculators online and now I’m getting c’s d’s and even an f on one site! It’s all very confusing… Also I guess every bra is different too so different styles and different shapes will vary in the size you need!

    Thankyou all! I’ll post on here when I do get measured after my 6week check!

    Rosy 35

    Using old tailoring measurements you would come up as a 32 dd Hun (plus 4 for band -32 then 1 cup size each inch difference between under bust and widest part) either way they really look great xx

    Katrina 41

    From what I was told before….each inch difference represents a cup size which would make you a 28 DD. However from that you have sister sizes which you use to get your right back size and each back size you increase by, you need to reduce cup size. For example 28DD is a 30D, which is 32C, 34B etc. I would say they look like a C but it depends what back size you are. I have researched it a lot, as I was so confused when I was measuring what appeared to be 2 totally different sizes. This way works for me and if one size isn’t quite right, a sister size is usually perfect cos as we ladies find….a 34B in one shop may fit perfect but not so well from another. @chel ….I would say they are looking great for 5 weeks so try not to get caught up in cup sizes…and more how they feel and look 🙂 x


    Ur boobs look great hun so don’t panic. U r definitely not an aa lol I’d say they look anythin between a C to a DD. wait and go get measured properly then you’ll know for sure but every bra make is different. Enjoy your new boobies and enjoy buying all nice new bras 🙂 🙂 xx

    Armani 17

    Just looked at your.picture you will 100% not be a b or c I’d say more like a small D babe x I had 325 from flat and I’m a 32dd just look more like a C or small D without a bra x

    Hayley 64

    @jonesyc I know it’s not comforting for you at the moment because you’re feeling that way, but honestly hun they look amazing! Such a lovely result and so natural. They really suit your frame! 🙂 I think any bigger would’ve looked disproportionate (I know I’m not a surgeon but that’s my personal opinion). You have a lovely set of new assets! Try to enjoy them a little more. I’ve known girls on here say they aren’t happy with the size but love them after a few more weeks. Tell me to stick my beak out if need be, but I really think it’s a wonderful result! xxxx

    Chel 31

    Thanks @hayleycx that’s why we post on here isn’t it to find out what others think, I’m grateful for your comment Hun!
    You girls on here have been amazing since I posted! Thankyou all!

    Sarah 4

    Chick ur boobs r beautiful they look lovely x x

    Hayley 64

    @jonesyc You’re welcome! I hope you start to feel happier about them. They’re perfect xx

    Sharks 149

    This is what I was talking about in my post. They look lovely hun, and they are definitely not AA. Be grateful to at least have something now. Am sure you’ll be chuffed at the size you turn out to be when you get measured properly. Happy new boobies. xxx

    LilsG 3


    i have booked in to get my boobs done next month..

    its come to a point where im over thinking everything..
    currently, my boobs look very similar to your natural boobs.
    im hoping to achieve a doubele d with the 375cc i have opted for.

    i have to say, your boobs look fine, and no way are you still an A.
    i would my looking at them guess they are a C, but i am sure you will be surprised.

    if i was you i would be extremely happy..

    Yana 51

    It looks like they haven’t dropped properly yet, so the fullest part is still “squished” by the muscle. When they settle it will lower and fill the bra cup, which is what the whole point is. So don’t worry, 5 weeks is too soon to get upset. And by the look of them it’s definately too soon to get measured. They need to really go lower, soften. Don’t do any push-ups just yet though:)

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