Gutted, refused an implant Started by: Rosie

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  • Rosie 1

    So I went and saw dr fiumara yesterday Didn’t go well, she looked at my boobs she said my boobs won’t be able to take an implant as my skin is too thin? And I’ve got lots of breast tissue.. so she would only do an uplift which I don’t really want.. I then burst out crying and nearly passed out for some reason lol so I went to walk out and a lady called me into another room she said to me that the surgeon I just saw is a very fussy and particular lady I shouldn’t of been out with her, she then asked to see my boobs and recommended I see another surgeon who would be better for me so now I’ve got to wait until 2 weeks to see mr jallili? Anyone had anything similar x

    Jess 150

    Awh Rosie that must have been horrible for you 🙁 sorry that happened. I haven’t been in your position but hopefully this next surgeon will be able to give you some better news, fingers crossed for you xxx


    Hi Hun. Sorry to hear you are so upset.
    I had Dr Fiumara and I found her wonderful. She is a real perfectionist and specialises in the more natural look. If that’s what she thinks then I would personally trust her judgement. I had an idea of what I wanted and on the day Linda chose what she thought was best for me and I couldnt be happier. I found her to be so lovely and patient.
    That saying I have seen a lot of girls on here have different opinions from different surgeons. Don’t loose faith Hun. It’s a long process and lots to think of and decide. She what another surgeon says if it makes you feel a little better. Good luck Hun xxx

    Daisy 21

    Hi Rosie,
    I’m so sorry to hear this. I also had a really bad experience with a surgeon and was so put off, I met with another (ironically Dr Fiumara) and was happy with her.
    Sometimes the patient and surgeon just don’t click, like Lorna said don’t lose faith. Mr Jallali may say something completely different.
    I met 3 surgeons, the first said I would need expander implants but the other two didn’t mention them so don’t worry too much yet!
    Good luck x

    Elizabeth 13

    Not post related so sorry I can’t help Rosie but Lorna can I ask how your recovery is going I am 5dpo and you have similar stats to me x


    Really well thanks Hun. After post of day 5 I came along leaps and bounds.
    Few wobbly days where I have been stressed about dropping, un even and worrying about anything and everything but it’s early days. Still have dropping to do but I’m happy Hun.
    How do you feel xxx

    Skye 24

    The first surgeon I met said he wouldn’t like to perform surgery on me hahaha!
    I went on and met another and he is fantastic! He said I have a lovely frame etc and made me feel really reassured.
    Got to think no 2 surgeons are the same, some like natural and some like to do their best for what you want.
    You’ll see that you will find the right surgeon for you and everything will be fine. Xxxx

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