Gutted with results:( re augmentation Started by: xell

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  • xell

    Hey guys, I had a breast augmentation a week ago. I originally had 350cc implants, but after 4 years, I decided I wanted to go a little bit bigger, so I decided to have 550cc. So today I got my dressings changed by my nurse, and it’s the first time I’ve actually seen my new boobs, and I literally just cried. They don’t really look any different from my older ones; they don’t look any bigger at all. Nobody would be able to tell I got them bigger. I thought jumping up 200 cc would make them look at least a little bit bigger. I’m so gutted, honestly, and I can’t stop crying. I’ve wasted so much money on re-augmentations just for them to look the same. The thing is, I looked at so many girls with 550cc implants, and they looked huge. My nurse tried to comfort me and say it’s still early days, but surely there not going to get any bigger. I’m so heartbroken, honestly.


    Oh I also got under the muscle

    MsNR22 26

    Sorry to hear this. I was thinking one day I might go bigger as I got 300s but my bust looks very natural and I can’t seem to get a bra to make them look bigger – I only wear t shirt bras which look and feel nice but don’t give me the shape I wanted. Your post has made me think I’d need to get an uplift too. Sheesh .. wish we could get a post op view before taking the plunge . How is recovery second time around? X

    Frankie 3

    How are you feeling about your results now Xell? I had my 2nd BA 9 days ago, going from 340cc to 600cc. Over the first few days I felt like that they looked really small, but now they definitely looking bigger. I think it can take 6 months or more to see the full results. Have you spoken to your consultant about how you’re feeling?

    Kezz 4

    Who was your surgeon? I had re-aug and I HATEEEE them! I’m 12 weeks PO and I haven’t stopped crying since I’ve had them done

    Kezz 4

    Also you’re literally 1 week PO, surely you remember it takes weeks for them to settle. 1 week is very early to be worried


    Yes, babe, if you do ever get a reaugmentation, make sure you go the biggest you can, or you will be gutted! Recovery was absolutely fine, no pain apart from back ache because of sleeping on my back x


    They have fluffed a lot, but it’s still not what I was expecting 550cc to look like. Maybe I had unrealistic expectations? I hope you like yours and that you’re happy with them! I haven’t spoken to him yet, but I will x


    I didn’t go with MYA this time around. What don’t you like about yours? What size did you go for lovely?x

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