Gym Started by: Jodie

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  • Jodie 41

    Hi ladies!! I’m only 4dpo but I’m already missing the gym!! At what point did anyone go back and do light cardio and legs? I’m thinking maybes after 2/3 weeks. Has anyone else done this, providing they felt okay? Thanks. X

    Susan 51

    I wemt walking after a week, gym after 2 weeks just walking incline then moved on to spin with no arm work, by 6 weeks i was doing most things…. just listen to your body and build up.
    12 weeks now and told o can do anything but if it feels sore or wrong stop!

    Helen 33

    So glad to read this, I’m seeing my surgeon on Wednesday and have made up my mind I want to go ahead asap, but I live in the gym and preparing for competitions next May. I know I’ve got to take it easy after the op


    I’ve just started back at the gym this week at 4wpo. I did leg extensions, walking lunges with no weight, hack squats, and walked on the treadmill. Main issue I think I’ll have is physically loading the weights up so I had my boyfriends help. It used to a bodybuilding style of weight lifting so using the machines is new to me. I’m very used to the gym and really missed it too. Personally I think it won’t be long till I’m feeling back to normal in legs anyway, but for me I don’t think I could have gone back into the gym any sooner than I did. I’ve been feeling very weak and lethargic since my op it’s really knocked it out of me. Good luck Hun everyone’s different you’ll only know yourself.

    Jodie 41




    Thank you for all of your replies 🙂 yes I think i’ll listen to my body and when it feels completely okay then go back. Grainne, definitely will be leaving upper body for quite some time. Thanks again ladies xx

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