Hi, my op is on 11th October I’m having 250cc unders….has anyone who has had the op got any tips on how long you have to wait for general day or day activities? Like what about washing hair/face? And driving? Finally, I’m a gym bunny and usually there 5 times a week. Surgeon says around 7 weeks you need to wait, but what about lifting etc? Will I need tonne carefull with lifting weights forever?? Any advice would be great!! Thanks! X
@cazxx33 I’m currently 4DPO and I managed to put the washing on this morning lol, I felt that was an achievement haha. You can wash your face, I never found that a problem. Obviously you can’t shower properly for the first week etc, so I’ve not tried to wash my hair yet, I’ve booked in with my hairdressers to wash it for me as I thought that would be easier. I’ve been told not to drive for 2 weeks, unless you have an automatic car then I think it’s 1 week.
I’m the same as you, love the gym, been advised 6 weeks off weights and when I go back to start back on low weights and build back up. 4 weeks off cardio. You definitely won’t have to be careful forever, so many fitness models have their boobs done and lift heavy weights again eventually xx
@hannahlaura ah thanks so much! I’ve been wondering so much thinking my husband will have to do everything for me when I come back!! As long as I can wash my face as that’s what I’m scared of it being able to do, what about putting on makeup or even just making a cuppa? Good news about the gym! I can live for 4/6 weeks and I guess I can go on long walks after a few weeks as well. How are you finding the pain and everything? And of course the sleeping upright? Xx
@cazxx33 I would say the first 2 days I needed help from my partner in like getting up from bed and he had to tie my shoes lol. But by day 3 I was ok. Yeah I managed to put my make up on the day after, I didn’t try on the day.
Well I have a zip tap with hot water so making a cuppa was easy for me, I managed to lift the milk out of the fridge by myself tho.
I think the worst day for pain for me was yesterday, although I think I’ve over done it today as they’re hurting on the sides now. So just sitting with some ice packs currently lol.
Sleeping upright is the worst thing, I have more pain from that in my back, than in my boobs! I really can’t wait to lay flat on my back. Really recommend getting a v pillow, not sure how I would have coped without it. Xx
I’m 5wks post op, first 3 days I was uncomfortable but I was on my own with. Y 4 year old n managed light jobs around the house, day 4 I washed my hair over bath wasn’t too bad, I was driving by day 10 I have automatic I prob could of driven sooner but it’s the emergency stop u have to think about as its a lot of force on your boobs if u have to break hard, day 4 I also had my 1 year old back and lifted him wen I had to though my ex put him to bed for me and got him up in the morning as his cot is very low, it was uncomfortable wen I had to lean into his cot but made sure I had my bra on and held them…. after the first week though I’ve felt fine I still haven’t mowed my grass moved furniture thT sort of thing but everything is fine they don’t feel as though they are going to fall off anymore I sometimes get a bit of pain under my armpit (mainly right boob) in the mornings but that’s it and apparently quite common, my stitches have healed lovely aswell now and I went out on sat in a normal bra (34F!!! Omg) and everything was fine though I am back in my Macom…. I brought a mya bra off someone a high impact sports bra and a Macom bra so I have different colours and always got something supportive on but the odd half hour to an hour I did sit with nothing on n it felt like heaven those first couple of weeks but just make sure ur only resting wen u do this xx hope all goes well for you xx
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