Ok – just read Leanne’s comment as well, sounds like she was doing ok and similar to me last night. This computer is driving me nuts I’ve written to you all about three times and it keeps clicking off!!
As I said before – hospital pain was minimal and really well controlled. You really don’t need to fret about that it’s all in hand and if anything, the easiest part. Just enjoy being off you head for a day I’d do it all again just for that!!
Now, I will be honest with you I am suffering more than I expected to be at this point. I feel like an elephant is sitting on my chest, I can’t laugh,cough and sometimes I’m struggling to breathe. I can’t reach for things, open doors, push or pull anything remotely hefty. By hefty I mean like pushing the seat belt button in the car. I would strongly advise you have someone with you or available after the op, as I have been surprised at what I can’t do. My partner goes away tonight and I’m going to see if I can stay with my sister or something, as (this is no joke) he had to drag me out of bed this morning by my feet……
Thank you for letting me know how your getting on Sounds very uncomfortable!! but then no pain no gain lol
I’ve been thinking i’ll have to stock up on loads of ready meals and stuff so i wont av to cook!!! and stock up on dvd’s to keep kids amused lol – would you mind sending me pics so i can see what your boobs look like now? If you would rather wait a bit longer i dont mind xx my e-mail address is welshbabe82@hotmail.com
4weeks today for me!!! xxxx
Sarah, everything you have written is sooooooo right. Starting with Mr Traynor…couldn’t have said it better myself.
Re; the pain. I feel the same. Getting up is really hard and I didn’t sleep very well. I’m in pain but it is bearable with the antibiotics and painkillers. I keep crying though coz I’m feeling sorry for myself….. besides all that….still very pleased with my boobs!!
PS. My mum said she hopes you’re ok xx
Notice that I despite my discomfort I’m saying it all with a smile……:cool: Loving these emoticon things!!
….I’m convinced I’ll be bedridden!!!! I don’t feel that bad now just stiff and sore, but I imagine I could handle children so long as they didn’t want any affection and they didn’t want to go anywhere!! I hope you’ve got a lot of DVD’s!!! I think I feel a bit dirty as well so get plenty of face wipes and baby wipes in stock. Also get some Batiste dry shampoo in and you’ll be like a new woman!! I don’t think it helped that my boyfriend is mega squeamish and kept howling every time I tried to move this morning – I only wish I’d recorded it it should be on youtube – ‘reasons not to have cosmetic surgery’!! He is completely traumatised by it all so in some ways it’ll be easier when he’s gone away and I can rot in peace
Hi Melissa,
So if we think of it your way then today is going to be your Sunday? I would say that once someone has helped you get up and you have had your painkillers you can get about ok, so long as you’r little ones aren’t jumping on you or wanting to be picked up as I’d definitely say that won’t be possible!! I guess tomorrow morning for me will be equivalent to your Monday morning really, so it might be helpful if I tell you how I get on tomorrow morning so you know if you need to consider any extra arrangements? If anything, it may just be that you need to set your alarm half an hour earlier so you can take your painkillers, let them kick in and ‘ooch’ yourself out of bed whilst the littlies are still asleep? I think it’s just because I seemed to stiffen during the night and pushing myself up felt impossible to do. I would say get some good positioning going, e.g. be sure you have a lamp, water and painkillers at the ready in reach by the bed so you can whack them in as soon as your eyes open. I’m going to have to try that tonight as my sis can’t help me and boyf goes away at 2am for the weekend….
Thank you sooooo much for all that you have written it is such a big help to know exactly what to expect once the procedure is done – i am a single mum with two children 6 and 2 – i am going in on oct23rd on a fri for my op and my parents are coming with me and they are able to help me out with kids until mon but from then im on my own as they have to go back to work!! Luckily it is half term that week so i wont need to rush down school in morning or anything – im having the same as you 380cc unders so i am so grateful that you hve shared your experience on here xxx
I have a friend in the gym and she had 380 unders about a year ago. She said she cried solidly for three days as she was both in agony and they looked horrific, and I can safely say they are now the best boobs I’ve ever seen. They’re fab.
It’s not like pain, it’s more like severe bruising and aching. I will be sat here today on this sofa for as long as I can. I am crap at sitting still for long periods and don’t like depending on others – I expected to be sipping cocktails in a backless dress by Saturday night so maybe my expectations were just way too high. So long as you expect to be useless you’ll be fine. I must admit as I’m writing this I feel better, it’s just about bearable. Am going to get some toast now and see if I can coax my sister to stay tonight so I don’t have to attempt the ‘getting out of bed’ thing alone in the morning. Just be prepared!!
I couldn’t possibly have used any of my chest muscles for anything – getting out of bed was the worst part. I felt like I’d a.) been beaten up really badly but they’d focussed solely on my chest and under arms and b.) I’d slept with a car on my chest.
It frightened me a little bit to be honest, but I whacked some pain killers in me and am now sat here writing this. My boobs look pretty terrible and I don’t want to look at them, so Jmc89, I will send pics by all means but definitely not like this!! They certainly wouldn’t inspire you right now but it’s not accurate – I hope!! They are just so so swollen and way too high they look completely stupid. I’ve sought endless reassurance from loads of friends who’ve had them done under the muscle though and they all said I’m stupid to be even looking at them now, I should wait a couple more days. All of them have said the same thing – they said they were vile and they wondered what on earth they’d done. I must be honest, it’s not quite as extreme for the friends who had them over the muscle….
Hi Guys,
As Leanne says – won’t overface myself today as this codeine shit makes me see double!!
Nowhere near (in fact not even close) as bad as I’d dreamt up. LOVING the anaesthetic most it’s mint. Needle – what needle?? Never felt it. (So says the girl who has to be laid down in ‘the childrens room’ when she has a blood test and told to breathe deeply) I thought I was going to be in some sort of unbearable pain after but I was so happy being completely off my head I didn’t feel a thing – it was hilarious. The canula (which I was dreading the most) was also a complete non-event – didn’t even know it was there. It was like a bit of jewellery to be honest.
I’ve had 380cc under the muscle and I was an A cup before and I’m not a big girl, 5.3 ish and a size 6 – 8. I can remember thinking how in God’s name will those bad boys fit into me? I’ll be honest at the moment I just look swollen and it’s not pretty, also my boobs are under my armpit – but that’s all normal apparently. So I’m not in a position to comment on the look of my boobs as I think they just look plain ridiculous and don’t want anyone to see them, but will report back in a few days when things have calmed a bit. Leanne thought they looked ok, but I thought her’s looked better. Obviously there’s a difference I guess as mine are under rather than over, so we noticed between us that I could really feel my muscles protesting wheras she could feel other bits more. It’s to be expected though, when you’ve just had all that shoved under your muscle I guess? Mr Traynor popped in this morning and was happy with everything – I asked about the sillyness of them and the height, he said that this would soon drop and I’d be moaning I wanted them up there again in a few weeks!!!
Over and out guys but all in all like I say – don’r waste your time stressing over any of it as none of what you worry about will be true.
All my love
I’m going to start a new bit on pain,for those who wish to read on. I’m uncertain how Leanne feels today but will check shortly, I guess this will be helpful to compare for those who asked whether under hurts more than over. We both had the same implant size but mine were under, Leanne’s were over. Everyone’s different though, so take it all with a pinch of salt. I’m not sure how helpful this will be for people as I personally found reading about the pain very anxiety provoking prior to my op, so I urge you to think on about this before you read on. If you’re having it under then that’s that, so you’ll have little choice in the matter anyway with Mr Traynor – he’s the expert and he’ll decide what’s safe and what will make you look best. There are pro’s and con’s to both options anyway.
Sorry to be annoying but this computer keeps deleting allmy writing so I’ll post this and carry on below….
Hi Folks,
I would 100% recommend Mr Traynor. He is cool, calm and collected and makes you feel like you’ve just ordered a sandwich. It’s his bread and butter and he does it day in day out. I personally find that so reassuring – this is his job and it’s what he does best. End of story. There’s no need to fear that you’re not in safe hands at any point. He’s not into the business of making people look ridiculous though, so don’t go in there wanting something that’s way out of your depth. He won’t permit you to have what he knows won’t be suitable, as I discovered. When he gives you your choices of size that is the range he knows will make you look good at and which will be safe, whichever you choose. I am so glad I had him really I am, and I believe Leanne would say the same.
Leftleg – my email address is cnwy_jssc@yahoo.co.uk if you are able to send me any pics! xx
Hi leftleg – your story makes everything sound so simple! Hope I find it all as easy as that! What do your boobs actually look like at the mo then – do they look bad or is it just that they look obviously fake and swollen at the mo? I’m an A cup too and same height as you – dress size 8-10 – wot size have the 380cc took you to?
When you get chance would you mind sending me some before and after pics if you can? Would be really good to see them!
Would you recommend Mr Traynor then?
Glad everything went well for you, hoping your feeling OK and your boobs settle down soon! xxx
ahh glad to hear your story and that you look great.
will keep a look out for an update xxx
Awwww thanks chick but honestly, yours looked great! Mine feel really high today but I’m sure they will drop. Happy healing xxx
Hi leftleg
Im so pleased for you – ur stats r more or less the same as mine and i am also having 380cc unders!! Is it as painful as other people have said?? Are you really restricted in what you can do now? Just over 4weeks until my op i cant wait x
:clap:im having mine under the muscle in dec 410 & 380 .heard stories of how much more painful it is under.very nervous but really excited too.nice to be reasured it isnt as bad as people say .hope ill be on here after mine reasuring people.glad your op went ok .happy healing
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