Had my admission time, but what happens? Started by: Alexandra

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    So had my admission time for Wednesday, 7.30 am which I’m chuffed with, but can anyone tell me the process? How long roughly is it until you actually have surgery? What happens before? After? And what’s the best thing you took with you/ wished you had taken?? Thanks girlies.xx

    Laura 13

    Sorry not had my ba yet. Just wondering are you day case or overnight stay?


    Hey 🙂
    I had my BA on Monday and it was all such a smooth set up!
    My admission time was 8am in Preston.
    The nurse , surgeon and a few other people popped into my room every half hour to check I was still ok and did some checks.
    The time went so fast and I was getting called down to surgery just after ten!
    Was all over back in bed before I knew!
    I would definately ask your chosen hospital if you can get an early slot if your a day patient as then your not sat around , feeling nervous all morning! Xx


    I’m a day case Laura.
    Thanks Jessica, that was quick then, do I ask before hand or when I arrive?? How are you feeling now? Xx


    I’ve got mine for 8am Monday at Preston. Getting nervous now. Am also a day case am hoping to be in and out 🙂 xx


    Good luck Tina, I’m starting to get nervous now too! Just think this time next week….. 🙂 xx


    I rung the hospital a few days before and requested I be one of the first!
    As I knew I would be panicking and nervous on the morning of my surgery!
    Tbh I think the time will fly by but if your likely to get stressed and worried then I recommend you ask if you can be one of the first!
    Good luck on Monday girls 🙂


    Thanks for that Jessica, I’ll bell them Monday- can’t harm can it!? Xx

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