Had my rhinoplasty today Started by: Bridget

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  • Bridget

    I feel MUCH better! I deffo think it was the antibiotics making me sick, I had a Big Mac meal yesterday and it was like heaven! How are you feeling? Did it take when your stitches came out? The ones further up the tip really hurt I thought, it got rid of alot of the gross crusty stuff lol but I’ve noticed I had dissovable stitches up there too do you?


    yeah must of been! pleased your feeling better! Mcdonalds are destroying me, everyone keeps bringing me them and im piling on the pounds! cant wait to get back to the gym. yeah I thought it was a painful too. but hey at least were one step on now. yeah theres some dissolvable ones up there, iv been reading on here and it seems they can take months to dissolve? also when iv been reading the next seems to be the swelling after the splint. haveyou heard much on this?


    I read two weeks for them to dissolve I hope it doesn’t take months! Well I’ve read once splint is off it swells alot as all the pressure has been contained so nose can look even bigger than before surgery but I’ve prepared myself for that and know it will go down eventually. I get mine off on Saturday! Can’t wait! How are you breathing now?


    Aaa mines Monday!! The only way I can get it off sooner is if I go to Leeds but it’s 4 hours away.. Suppose I better wait :(! I’m to excited now I just want it off.. Yeah I just hope it don’t stay too big for to long :(. My breathings ok, can blow a little out my nose not much xx


    iv just accidently pulled a stitch out of the top!! I was cleaning it and it got stuck on the cotton wool so I pulled it. it didn’t hurt though just bleeding a little now. do you think it will be ok??

    google says its gonna be ok! thankgod


    I think it will be fine even if it does bleed a little as its a week after, did it hurt?


    Oops just read you said it didn’t hurt, I wouldn’t worry just be careful when cleaning it

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