Hi girls well yesterday morning I had my BA. Best decision I have made. So I thought I was having under the muscle turns out I haven’t I’ve had overs I was a B cup before op and I’ve had 450 in. The DD sports bra was so tight and the bottom of it was so tight on my insitions and I had to change to a E.!!! Feels so much better I’ve out pictures up I think my boobs look far apart but my surgeon said the gap will always stay the same please let me no what u think xxx
I haven’t seen your pics yet (will add you) but I had my surgery on Wednesday and my boobs have changed already. They were practically looking East and west lol but they have definitely moved closer. I wouldn’t worry just yet, the surgeons do say your cleavage will be the same as what it was before surgery so if it was far apart before, then it will stay that way after surgery. Hope you’re feeling ok and are healing well! X
I’ve just excepted you. Pleased with the result I do think the gaps a little fat apart but I think that may come together slightly the lady said on the phone. I had my op yesterday. Morning and just feel a little achy so I’m nt too bad. How are u feeling? XXX
Yeah they will come closer, give it a couple of days and you’ll see a difference. My nurse today said your 6 week appointment is when you’d see the final(ish) result so they have a lot of changing to do yet! X
Hey, had my op on Sunday!! Hope your feeling alright 🙂 xx
Hope you don’t mind the add, I had mine done last Monday x
No the adds are fine . 🙂 doesn’t bother me people adding me I don’t mind even people done ask All getting the same procedure done ore or less 🙂 I had 450 overs and I didn’t expect be this big but glad I’m not upset their too small. I can see a difference in my confidence already so happy! I keep looking at my before picture thinking my god they were really ugly how did my bf even like them haha. Beat choice I’ve ever made so so so happy and I can’t wait see my final result and be healed xx
Hope you don’t mind the add, had mine done last tues x
Hey Pepsy, may I add you? Hope you are healing well. xxx
Hope you don’t mind add as surgeon did say to me u can only get a cleveage with a bra with most BA unless you have a cleavage to start with.xx
Hope you dont mind me adding you im getting 350 overs on the 13th Jan 🙂 xxx
Natalie I went went for my nurse post op she said they will come together ever so slightly but the surgeon said the gap in the middle will always stay the same. I’m not fussed I’m happy how they are. Hope ur all healing well xx
Having 325cc on 30th January but considering going bigger – hope you don’t mind the add. 🙂 x
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