Soooo excited to get mine done now, they look lovely! What size implant did you have?
They look amazing! I bet you’re so happy! xx
They look really really nice ! You must be chuffed to bits x
They look really good! Can’t wait till I can do this xx
They are fab Huni well done they are coming on fab and they wear made for you wot size u coming in at ? Xx
They look awesome can’t blame you!!!! Xxx
Agree with the above.. they are gorgeous babe x
Thank you so much for lovely comments ladies. I’m 32E and achieved it with 425cc implants xxx
@ashleighcooke of course not hun. Best of luck with your op and u certainly r in great hands x
How did If feel as soon as you woke up from the operation x
@salwa1996 first I couldn’t believe that it was all done. I didn’t remember anything and didn’t feel any pain. Felt rather funny, talked a lot and slept a lot x
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