Hair extensions , breast augmentation surgery Started by: Jessica

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  • Jessica 2

    I have my survey booked for the 9th of march, I’m just wondering in my pre op today my nurse informed me micro ring hair extensions have to be removed..
    has anyone not taken them out and just put up your hair? I’m wondering will they be able to notice or do they check?
    mine are close to £800 to have taken out and re done I’m really not wanting to spend this as I only had them re done Saturday
    Any advice would be so appreciated
    Thanks girls

    Tor Shields 78

    I have the micro ring hair extensions but wasn’t told to take mine out. I was told to take off my fake eyelash extensions though which was very upsetting ha x

    Louise 20

    I was told that the issue was with the metal bonded ones as they can burn the scalp during surgery… Not sure what sets them off though.

    Koral 42

    I had my previous surgery with them in just couldn’t see them when tied up I have them fitted and have surgery next week I’m planning on keeping them in the pre op nurse appointment asked if I had extensions I just said yes but they are the glue bonded ones she said that’s ok… it’s my only real fear now is that they check … I’m Litrally taking pliers in my bag prepared to take the hole lot out in 20mins if I have no choice If they refuse surgery … just play your hair down boring basic pony use a obvious brown elastic band and if they ask just say glue in bonds lol maybe take some pliers aswell lol … it’s panicking me more than the surgery no make up and no long hair might aswell be a boy ???

    Sammie 12

    Personally I’d take them out.. if your surgery is important to you then I’d 100% not risk it. Also you’ll defo struggle looking after them after surgery if you are having BA. I heard the metal ones can burn during surgery. I wouldn’t risk it hun.

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by Sammie 12.

    I just had my surgery and left mine in ! No one asked me ! Was fine just leave them in
    X x

    Tor Shields 78

    I’ve had surgery and it wasn’t even mentioned to me that they would be a problem. I wouldn’t of taken mine out x

    Alex 15

    I’ve had micro ring extensions before, and I got my bf to remove them. It’s pretty straight forward, you just need a special tool (basically thin pliers). They sell them here:

    But I would not want to be taking them out for surgery. I’d ask for a reason why or for a second opinion … or just ignore it as others have had no issue x

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