Hair Washing Help Please Started by: Emma

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  • Emma 52

    Hi All,
    Tonight I need to get the boyf to help me wash my hair. I’m lucky in that I only do it once a week anyway but the day has come for it to be done and I still haven’t had my first post-op yet to confirm I can shower.
    Problem is I don’t have a removable shower head so I think it will need to be the old fashioned pouring water over my head type approach.
    I’m concerned though that implants are really going to hurt and weigh down on my incisions if I’m leaning forward over the bath :/
    I’m currently 6DPO so while I’m feeling loads better pain wise it’s still very early days and I don’t want to cause any damage.
    Any advice welcome,

    Em x

    Sam 36

    hi Em.. I washed my hair 4DPO as couldn’t go any longer with greasy hair lol and it was fine I leant over the bath and showered it by myself.. kept stopping every 2 mins for a break! But was ok wasn’t in any pain or discomfort after .. I reckon youll be fine especially if u have ur bf to help u ! xx

    Emma 52

    Oh that’s good to hear Sam! Because I only do it once a week I actually wash it 3 times and condition it twice so we could be there for a fair old while if I have to keep stopping but I’m hoping that in another weeks time I’ll be able to do it myself. Do you (or does anyone) know what the average time is till you can shower?? Can’t bloody wait. These shallow baths are a pain in the arse!!


    Hey Emma, treat yourself and get it washed at the hairdressers that’s what I’m going to do for my first hair wash after surgery, they don’t have to fully blow dry it if it’s cheaper they can just blast it off before you go out. Xx

    Sophie 15

    Definitely book in for a wash and blow dry! It’s nice to feel pampered when you’re recovering 🙂 xxx

    Sam 36

    that’s a good idea I didn’t think of that lol shudve gone to hairdressers!
    I was allowed to shower as normal after my 7 day post op appointment emma! xx

    Emma 52

    Really hope that’s the case for me Sam. Unfortunately it needs doing tonight (back to work tomorrow) so it will have to be the boyfs job this time round xx


    I washed my own hair over the kitchen sink at 1 week. The tap is moveable and the surface was a good height that it didn’t hurt my boobs much at all. I had the fella on standby with a jug just incase I couldn’t do it myself, but I just stuck my head under the tap!! Haha. Good luck xx

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