Harley medical Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hiya ladies just wondering if any one has had a ba with Harley medical. I’m still not booked in for a surgery yet so still shopping around. I loved Mya but have another consultation with Harley medical. Any feedback would be great thank you xxx

    Rebekah 33

    I went to Harley, and thought they were ok but I preferred MYA, Harley request money just for seeing a surgeon for a consultation x


    Hi i had a consultation with the harley medical group before i went with mya and didnt get a great feel for the conpany i found them quite unorganised but thats just my personal experience. Good luck xx

    Ellie 279

    I read loads of online reviews and they wernt that good so I just stayed away. Tbh honest I reasearched so much online and only went for a consultation with Mya as I felt I kind of made up my mind from just reading reviews on here.

    Has anyone else only had a consultation with Mya and gone ahead with it? Although I’m happy I feel like maybe I should have had consultations else where too xx

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