Hi all i know rippling comes with the territory and most will feel it but has anybody had visual rippling within the first couple of months?
I am interested to know this to claudine as my surgeon said I would probably get it under my left breast at the bottom as I don’t have much skin there and said I would see it so opted for the slightly smaller implants xx
Hi Mitch, im very thin so i was not suprised to feel rippling as soon as the initial swelling was over but did not think it would become visible, im 12 wks post op, i do have allot of other issues also so maybe this is also revolving around those, if it’s at the base then i suppose nobody would see it unless topless but i can feel rippling right round so just worried it becomes visible all round soon xxx
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What does it feel like hun? before my surgeon mentioned rippling I hadn’t really looked into it still haven’t to be honest it only came about because he had offered me 325cc right and 350cc left then said he would be happy to put 350ccright and 325cc left but said I would definitely get rippling I was gutted so said the smaller size would be fine….you seem to have been through a lot in the last 12 weeks hunni can’t be nice after waiting so long for your dream boobs then all the heart ake pain and not forgetting the money side of it…hope it settles for you and it doesn’t become visible xxx
Aww bless you thanks for your kind words Mitch, yes iv’e had lots of up’s and downs but just trying to stay positive and hoping all the unwanted issues can be corrected, theres obviously something wrong in the right breast but can’t workout what exactly as so many different things wrong with shape and appearance, i suppose problems are rare but not every surgery will be a success, ive seen a few re-ops that have brought a great result though and still have alot of confidence in my surgeon so fingers crossed, i first noticed the visibility in a changing room in a 2 way mirror what a shock i got but the lighting had made it stand out more, i hoped it wouldn’t be visible in normal daylight but it is, i can’t post the changing room pic file is too large even on piccolage xxx
Aww Yeh I can see it in the top photo is there anything that can be done and will it get any better or worse hun?xx
Your welcome hun I have been coming on here for around a year and you are always helping others with advice and positive words, it’s been very helpful to me just reading up in the background till I had the guts to start talking to people and asking questions and coming on here helped me to decide to go ahead after all these years of wanting to but not knowing enough xx
Your very wise Mitch knowledge will be a huge plus for you, i thought i had researched thoroughly but not enough it would seem now, wish i had more time into learning about implant profile and placement and less time about things like Capsular Contraction because i wanted to be prepared for serious issus but in reality that really is the surgeons job, it is best to have more awareness of the look you want to acheive, i have a holiday in 6 weeks im really trying to get out of that now and my recovery was so tough i swore i could never do it again with my little boys high needs it was torture but thats something else i should have considered that there was a possibility i might need to go through it more than once, it’s not life threatening though im sure theres thousands of people who woke up this morning and would love this to be their biggest problem so im not going to let it get hold of me emotionaly i don’t have time, the holiday side is more about physicaly not being able to hide the issues when we are swimming i would have to keep covered up xxx
Aww thank you hunni that’s such a nice thing to say I’ve never really thought of myself as wise but I suppose I’m a lot wiser then I was 10 years ago that’s 1 good thing….I’m quite lucky really on the kids department as I only have 1 daughter who is 14 now so haven’t got any little ones who need everything doing although I do run around after her lazy bum like a mad women haha…what a shame that has happened to you tho you really do take things so well as I know myself that I would not be as positive as you I wish I could be but I think certain trates we have no control over I’ve always been an over thinker and a stress head it’s hard for me to look on the positive side even with small things that don’t really matter it’s something I’d like to change xx is there anything that could be done or will they give you a re op they should do hun xx
Hi Claudine, I have very similar stats as you and have been offered 375cc HP! I have a small, thin chest like you and am worried that implants aren’t going to sit right on me. You definitely had more breast tissue than me previously though. Did you have unders? Xxx
Thanks Mitch 🙂
the recovery is harder if you have kids but the time really does go quickly, my little one is special needs and has medical problems so only sleeps 1-2 hours per night so that made recovery exhausting and getting up every 20-30 mins overnight meant i got ‘morning boob’ all night i thought id’e never get through it but the 3 months has flown! I hope they re-op too i cant wear swimwear like this, massive good luck to you with the rest of your research and finaly your BA truly hope you have a great recovery and a perfect set at the end! xxx
@kateh ·Â
Hi Kate, yes i had unders, i was an empty 34b i was allways small but breast feeding took all the volume to the bottom, please try not to worry because i honestly think i have just been very unlucky, i really cant quite figure out what exactly has gone wrong because there are so many issues the rippling is actualy not my biggest problem my gap is, i know some might think thats a big implant with our stats but i have been bigger than that in pregnancy and my skin has major elasticity i had no stretch marks, no i didn’t have heaps of breast tissue bit ive seen A cup girls have bigger implants with no breast tissue and had no problems so don’t think it’s that, i don’t have any sagging of the skin but have wondered if the initial swelling made my skin so thin thats why it’s visible, pretty gutted i got up this morning and it’s now visible in the other breast next to my sternum, i would say just ask lots of questions in your next consultation, write them down before you go in, and dont be taken on to the next question/discussion until you feel you have had precise answers and clarity on anything your unsure of or concerned about xxx
Awww thank you claudine wow you do have your hands full must of been so much harder having your little boy to look after 24 hours a day and trying to rest to.I’m not looking forward to morning boob lol heard it”s not very nice…I hope you get your re-op and things go smoothly second time round for you hunni xxx
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