has anyone fallen preg soon after their BA ?? Started by: louisa27072007

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    hi guys,
    im having my BA on 14th oct. i have a 2 year old boy and def want more children , i also dont wanna wait ages to get preg. idealy i would like to try for another early months of next year. what are peoples thoughts on this? alot of people think im doing it the wrong way round but i wont get an oppurtunity to get my BA again so i have to do it now. has anyone had their Ba then fallen preg straight away or purposely fallen preg soon after? did this affect your BA having a baby so soon after your op??? x
    please give me ur advice
    than lou :) x


    :bigsmile: I haver not had my breasts done yet or had personal experiance of this but this is my thoughts too, I would say u are probably doing it the right way round as u wont have a small baby to look after when u get your op! i have an 8month old and would like mine done but i’m tryin to decide if i should have one more or if i should just get it done and worry bout that when it comes to it, there is a post about implants and having babys, and i think the only thing that seems to make a difference is the breast feeding but it may not affect some other peps! I’d go for it while u can if u had another LO you may not have the time to recover and can afford it!


    When i had my consultation the other week I was told that it was not a good idea to get pregnant in the first 12 mnths after ur BA – dont know if that helps xx



    I found out I was pregnant 4 days after my BA on 25th August…. what a shock!!!! Spoke to surgeon and he said that everything will be fine as long as they are supported well and they should not change afterwards. Have noticed they are getting bigger rapidly though!!!

    Kerry x


    thank u for ur feedback girls
    kerry – wow! so how did it make u feel? and what stats are u and what size did u go? was u already preg before the op and just didnt no or did u get busy straight away after lol! have they changed much in shape? im desperate for my boobs but then im ready for another baby too!
    sorry for the million questions



    I didn’t know at time of op which was a bit of a worry, but all seems ok.
    Was an empty 32c after having my little boy who is 5 and had 410 overs. Ended up a 34E when swelling went down, but seem to be creeping up again!!! They have changed shape at all and I am about 10 weeks pregnant now. My surgeon said that pregnancy will not affect them if I support them well and that they will be same as not being pregnant after I have the baby. Hope this helps!!
    Kerry x


    thanx alot..big help :)

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