Has anyone got similar boobs to me and can you tell me what you have chosen/ gor Started by: Amy d

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  • Amy d 3

    Hello girls!
    I upload a photo a few weeks back and Ive been doing my research in between. Im moving back to England in a few weeks so will be making an appointment for possiblely September time. I was wondering if anyone could tell me what sort of implant you got etc if your boobs are similar to mine. I’m happy to just get an implant because I’m happy with the position of my nipples (they point up lol) even they I know I have a bit of sagging. I am urging towards over the muscle and having a bigger implant so I won’t need an uplift? I’m not sure about profile.. possibly high? I like the cleavage look though so not sure I’ll achieve it with that… any advice? Or photos would be amazing. Thank you xx
    5 ft 2.5
    Size 8/10
    Around 9 stone

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    Amy d 3

    Sorry and I’m around a size 34 D but I haven’t been measured for a while! (Years!) x

    Lucy 12

    Hiya, I’ve got very similar boobs to you but im a 34C in one and 34B in the other but they look like yours – im having 350 and 365 HP overs, because my boobs are slightly different sizes I need the two different size implants. Im hoping that will give me at leat 2 sizes up in bra size. I have my op in two weesk time! x

    Amy d 3

    Hi lucy! Thank you for your reply. I’ve seen on here that a lot of people go for over the muscle if they need to fill up the breast (like I need too) have you got the same issue and is that why you went with overs? I saw on your profile you are going with mr trayner.. I like the sound of him and think I’ll book to see him. I’m hoping he will let me get away without an uplift too! Good luck Hun! Would you mind if I added you? Xx

    Helen 29

    Hiya Amy if you add me as a friend you can have a look at my pictures, Ms Lutz was my surgeon who told me if I had an uplift I would have to go with a smaller implant or have a bigger implant no uplift. I am really happy am 16 days post op. My age was the only restriction going really big due to the elasticity of my skin but as I wanted to have implants that suited my frame I went with what she advised and am very pleased I did. Although this morning I woke and they were huge I don’t feel at all like I am going to have boob envy as I have loved them from the minute I saw them and it is such an improvement on how they looked before. X

    Amy d 3

    Hi Helen! Thank you I’ll add you xxx

    Amy d 3

    Helen did you get just implants? And what profile did you get xxx


    @bellafrankie28 hiya , yes my shape is very similar to yours , I am a 36b . Although my bra’s are quite padded ! I have been offered 350/375 High profile , without uplift as my measurements were within no uplift needed bracket , he suggested not going to big as they could sag earlier if I go to heavy . I want to achieve a D. Good luck x


    Hi! my breast shape is very similar to yours albeit smaller (i currently wear a 34B). My PS said i could have implants without an uplift however I wouldnt achieve the result I want i.e. perky nice shaped boobs. Having the implant alone would have just given me larger lower sitting boobs. I have opted for a mini lift and 310cc UHP over the muscle impants. I am 5ft 6, Size 10, 9st 4lb. Hope this helps xx

    Amy d 3

    Thank you Josey and lex xxx

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