Has anyone had vaser from Dr Joffily before? Started by: Kelly

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  • Kelly -1

    Hi Everyone

    I am due to have a second consultation with Dr Joffily and I’m struggling to find before and after pictures of his work on the Internet and some overall reviews, if anyone has any please share as I really want to pick a good surgeon. Also I was reading your body can feel numb after lipo and this can be permanent?

    Any help would be much appreciated
    Thanks x


    Hey Hun,

    Just had my surgery today. Upper and lower stomach, inner tights and knees. He’s a not a worldly man which Worried me originally but so professional. I recommend him.

    Kelly -1

    Oh wow congrats, I know it’s quite early to tell but are you happy so far with the results? I’d love to see some before and after pics when your a bit more healed



    Hey Hun, definitely will post some. Seeing as it’s swollen and all, I’m delighted. I had to take the pants off for a minute because I couldn’t go to the loo, and I’m so so so happy. I’m 5.3 and 60 kilos, very Brazilian body type. Piled up fat pockets on thighs, knees stomach and a little bit on flanks. I can’t tell the full extend but since I’m happy with what I’m seeing so far, i can’t wait to get to heal totally. The legs aren’t so sore, but stomach is and with the jacket they put on you, movement is difficult. I’ve been wanting to do this for years and always worried about surgeons ect.. I’d go back to him for any work I’ll be doing if I ever do in the future. He won’t tell you much, but he’s excellent. On the day, you get a room, privacy and massive support by lovely nurses. Within minutes after arrival all my worries were gone. If you have any specific questions, ask away, I’ll post pics as soon as possible 🙂 xx

    Kelly -1

    That’s so reassuring to hear as my first consultation as you said he doesn’t say a lot, which made me a bit worried. What’s the 4d best like that you have to wear, is it possible to hide it under clothes as I’d like to go back to work soon after but I don’t want to tell anyone what iv had done. Can’t wait to see your pics, I’ll add you as a friend on here. Are you worried at all about uneven lumpy skin, I think it’s my main concern. Keep me posted with any experiences post op you think would be worth knowing.
    Thanks x


    Same. Had an initial chat with him and was worried but he’s an introvert and on the day I had a better feel and I’m now so glad. Had only looked at my legs and there’s no lumps it’s really even and shape is perfect. I’m also not bruising much so far and had not leaked at all. Not going to lie honey, the 4D jacket is not comfortable. I took a week off work and hope that they can trim down the jacket foam so I can at least gain back a little mobility. Give yourself a week at least, you’ll be stretching yourself otherwise. My husband calls me robocop because of the way it makes me walk.. it’s very thick. Going tomorrow for my first post op so will let you know how that went. Took a quick pick of my legs when I went to loo.. Not super glam but you can see there’s no lumps 🙂


    Can seem to be able to attach photo. I’ll send you my number privately if you want. Will be easier


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    Has Anyone Got Any Before And After Photos Of Vaser Liposuction Of The Abdomen Area? Just Had My First Consultation Today.. 😀 xx


    Hey, I’ve got my surgeon consultation with Dr Joffily in a couple of weeks, am considering inner and outer thighs and knees but can only find pics of flanks and stomach, do you have any photos? Are you please few months on? Thanks so much X


    Have you followed him on Instagram? He’s posted a few on there Maurino Jodffily

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