hate my boobs Started by: Jess

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  • Jess 4

    I’m coming up 6 weeks post op got wonky boobs and one is bigger then the other which wasn’t a problem before my op. Really don’t know what to do will my surgeon do them again because im unhappy? I know it’s early days but the don’t seem to be changing

    Josie 13

    I got told it can take 3 months for them to even out Hun dunno if that’s just for different size implants but I’d still give it more time. I’m sure re op will be an option if they are still different sizes when you see your surgeon xx

    Jacqueline 6

    Hiya Jessica,
    I’m 7 weeks post op and my boobs are still wonky with one bigger than the other and I’ll lost count of the amount of times I’ve been stressed out about it. But it’s around the 3 to 6 months mark when our implants with have settled in and evened out. But I know how hard all this waiting and worrying about them evening up is, as I feel the same but given time they’ll even up eventually 🙂 x x

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