Have the weirdest feeling Started by: Annie May

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  • Annie May 35

    Hey Girls,
    So I had my OP on the 20th of June and everything went well no pain nothing.
    A few days ago I was thinking oh wow my boobs feel weird it was kind of like a sore feeling to the skin and just thought maybe the skin is stretching so hence the weirdness. 3/4 days in and I can barely touch them. Not due to them being painful inside or anything but my skin basically feels like when you get a graze or a cut that has taken your skin off and for instant that stinging rawness you get when something touches the cut (thats the best way I can explain) So I have this all over my boobs! Has anyone had this before? And how long does it last? Its so annoying and i’ve been reassured its nothing out of the norm and to maybe get a different bra from the macom but its really annoying me as I have long thick hair and every time something brushes over my boobs its making me cringe. xxx

    Laura 47

    Hi I had my op on the 15th. In the last 5 days I started with weird cramp like spasms in my boobs and zinger pains. Sometimes they feel tingly and burny and my nipples are just ridiculously sensitive – like the slightest touch!
    Also when I’m driving the tiniest bump feels all sloshy in my boobs! I’m guessing all of it is the nerves reconnecting and settling after being so swollen and numb. With each day of weird feelings they are getting softer so I’m sure it’s all very normal xx

    Sherise321 22

    Same as me I’m 10days post op completely normal even my hair just brushing again feels weird lol I get slight tingle and burning but again was told it’s the nerves reconnecting etc so I think you will be okay.

    Stacey 498

    Sounds like nerves are connecting back again and ya sensetivaty coming back my where the same week 2 there not as bad now tho but it awful ain’t it xxx

    Annie May 35

    Aww thanks girls, was just so annoying lol. Everything that touches them sets them off! xx

    Laura 47

    Has anyone had muscle cramps in their boobs??? As soon as I take my Macom off they start to tense and by the time I’ve got out of the shower my left boob is so tense and hard! If I use the hairdryer on it and warm it up it softens again – it’s definitely cramp as warm makes it better! Anyone? Or am I just weird??? I think it’s when they get cold? X

    Stacey 498

    I’ve not been getting cramp in my boobs but my shoulders are a different ball game lol cxx

    gemgem08 20

    Hi I had mine on the 20th and I feel the same, it’s like having sunburn! So strange but a good sign of healing yeyyyy

    Laura 47

    No one tells you about all this weird stuff! And no one else gets boob cramp lol! I’m hoping it eases off soon! Xx

    Sylvianna 47

    if it helps laura ive had boob cramp tho just the once though haha x

    Hayley 6

    I have the sore skin too and I have no feeling under the nipple. It feels so strange. I also have morning boob, wake up feeling like their rock hard and pointy! Patience is the key I’m guessing xxx

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