Hi ladies not really much point to this point I’m just so nervous and scared of the operation itself. I’m just waiting to leave the hotel and go to the Fitzroy for 7.30 admission! Xx
Don’t worry! They are all so lovely, you will be well looked after! And when you wake up you’ll have boobs! Its fab, and it’ll be over before you know it! Wishing you both lots of luck, happy healing xx
Good luck! My op is tomorrow but I’m not with MYA I’m so excited as I’ve wanted this for so long! I just keep having waves of feeling nervous! I’ve never been put to sleep before and I keep thinking about the after pain!! I even had a dream last night that I had them done and when I woke up this morning I was very confused to where they were haha! X
I’m here now in the room waiting for the surgeon so nervous too and was just about to write the same post! I’m so scared! I feel sick and I’m bloody starving!
Good luck to u all I was in on Monday and I am now well rested Iv not moved off the sofa apart from 1 day getting waited on hand and foot by my husband loving every min of it! Can’t wait to get strapping removed Monday now post op week goes so quick! X
Hi ladies thanks, and good luck everyone for today. I was first down at 8.30 and now in my room again so relieved it’s over and just aching and feel drunk no pain just hungry xx