Heartbroken – revision surgery? Started by: Amy Williams

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    Hi guys! Hope you are all well and keeping safe during crazy times!!

    Taken so much courage for me to post this but want to talk to people about it. I had my surgery 7 months ago. I had 325cc High Profile under the muscle.

    Over time my boobs are going wider apart it’s heartbreaking. I have spoken to a couple of surgeons since and been told the wrong implant was used for my frame. Apparently I should of had a moderate implant rather than high profile! I’m wondering if something more is going on too seeing as they’re getting worse?

    Just want to know if anyone has had a similar experience? Anyone managed to get revision surgery?

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    Hi Amy, my boobs look like that but my natural boobs are quite far apart to begin with and my surgeon told me that wouldn’t change. Were your natural boobs far apart? MYA offer revision surgery within 3 years if something goes wrong. Have they said they will fix it for you?


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    Hello Brigitte, thanks for the comment hope you are ok. No only had small gap. I’ve asked MyA to meet with my surgeon again which I am in March and I’m going to say how unhappy I am and go from there. I’m not sure how much of a fight they will put up for revision surgery but I feel so unhappy after speaking to other surgeons who have said they would of advised me differently and could of got better results that I feel I would take legal action if they don’t agree! I’ve spoken to other surgeons before hand to get other opinions and showed them pictures of my natural boobs and they said my boobs weren’t that far apart and that if a moderate implant with wider diameter was used (which should of been advised rather than high profile) I would have a gap of only 1 finger which would be huge difference!! 😢


    Hello lovely, I think you’re taking the right course of action. I hope they correct the problem. Do you have it in writing about how they should have used medium profile implants? If you do, I would take that with you in your consultation. I wish my boobs were close together! I had to go high profile because of the width between them and apparently my boobs were very defined! I hope everything goes well for you. It’s a lot of money to spend for them to make the wrong call and you being unhappy. May I ask which surgeon you had? Xx

    Pamela 4

    Hey girl , it seems like you had a wide gap before and should of gone with moderate plus instead but when using that it doesn’t give that projection of the hp , I originally wanted hp but when I saw the size I knew it would give me that gap and going for moderate plus was fine with me as I wanted a natural look , but not everyone wants that’s look , my dr said if I wanted hp I had to go over 400c to give me a small cleavage but it wasn’t 100% that the gap would go smaller but also it wouldn’t give me that natural look I asked for .

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    Hi Amy, so sorry you’re going through this. I really hope they’re understanding and can help you achieve what you want.

    Due to my wider chest area my surgeon (Mr Giannas) suggested I use moderate + projection to fill in the gap as much as possible. As I didn’t want to go massive (at least straight away).

    I had 275cc moderate + round smooth. The base is wider than on high profile and covers all the breast pocket (but it’s obviously less pointy than high profile). Over time mine are definitely closing. He did say on that size high profile wouldn’t suit my frame as it wouldn’t cover the base.

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    I am really impressed with your article. The information you share will be an important document for me to learn more about this topic. slope

    Beth 25

    I had a huge gap pre op, could fit my whole palm between my boobs! My surgeon used over the muscle implants & created the pocket to “pull” the implants together. I have a 1 finger gap now. It’s all about the way the surgeon creates the pocket! I had 300/325 high profile over the muscle xx

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