Hello everyone! Started by: Laura Jane Smith

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    Hello! I am 26yrs old and have wanted my boobs done for the last 10yrs.. I am now finally nearly there!!
    I had a consultation in Leeds yesterday and am booked to see Dr Andrea Giannitrapani next month, all being well surgery will take place in Preston on 7th November eeeek!
    I’m so excited, also a little nervous.
    I wondered if anyone has had a breast enlargement with Dr Andrea Giannitrapani and what their experience and results were like? I’ve studied his website and he seems a great surgeon.
    I also wondered if there are many hairdressers on here and what recovery and going back to work was like for them? I will be off for 2wks 2days and will try and space out my appointments for at least the first week back. Hoping to be fit and able to move my arms around for the December rush!!
    Thank you for reading my essay ha. Xx


    How did the consultation go? What type of things do they go threw? I have my appointment on the 2nd of September quite nervous but very excited! & wish you the best with your operation x


    The consultation went really well, I had Aimee in Leeds. She talked me through the basics of the procedure and spoke in detail about the surgeons and their experience. It’s very informative and quite a lot of information to take in! They allow you time to think about all that has been discussed, however I booked my surgeon consultation while I was there as I’ve thought hard about breast enlargement for a long time already and know it’s what I want.
    Some people say they tried filled bras on to get idea on how they would look and feel but I’ve never had that in any of my consultations (had a few over the years)
    I wish you lots of luck at the beginning of your journey! X

    Leah 32

    Hi laura, I’m a hairdresser too and I’m taking 2 weeks off I’ve spoke to a few people in the same industry or similar and everyone said different it seems to vary on how well you deal with the pain to be mobile again asap. I’m a wuss with pain so booking mine for Jan-Feb time when it’s abit quieter at work haha x


    @leahxxx it works out that I’ll have 2wks and 2days off. I’m self employed so will make sure I have my clients booked in for 15mins extra and will probably just work 15hrs that week and then 4days off again (I work Thursday-Saturday) and then hoping to run my column as usual.
    I’ve been reading loads on people’s recovery after BA but it seems it really is different for everyone.
    My first client back after BA is one of my regulars who always has a big curly blowdry…… we’ll see how that goes! May have to consider moving her to one of the other girls that week haha.
    I’ll let you know how it goes so that you have an idea for your recovery and getting back into the salon! X

    Leah 32

    Oh yes please do! Good luck with the big blow dry if it comes to it! X

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