I am really annoyed and upset. When I lay flat down my boobs fall massively to the side I can push them together and the implant easily moves I can feel it it’s like that’s where they should be. It’s painfull at the sides as they seem to be really heavy to the sides..any advice or anyone having the same thing? Xxx
Yeah I had overs. It just feels like they aren’t in place as they can still move around loads. Thanks mya I’ll call my nurse and seeing surgeon on August 10th anyway so hopefully will be reassured. Just didn’t know if it was normal xxx
That can’t be right. I have overs and mine stay pretty much straight up when i lay down- Im only about 3 and a half weeks PO though. Is it your whole boob that moves or just the implant? x
It’s my whole boobs and can feel the implant is really heavy to the sides.. Rang nurse today and said it doesn’t sound Normal they should stay in same place if they do move shouldn’t be a lot and implants should be securely in place by now so seeing surgeon on 10th as I was for check up anyway. Really worried. X
Mine do this too.. And mine seem very low also..: I have an appointment on the 7th August, when I am lying down they go to the side and I can too push them together to where I think they should be! 🙁 x