help Started by: Deborah

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  • Deborah

    In so much pain can’t get out of bed myself and when helped it wrecks. How long will this last? Operation done Monday taking all my meds 🙁 x

    trish 1

    awww hun i do feel for you im affraid its a case of having to cope with it ,i did go and get myself some solfadine and found they helped more than cocodermol (not sure iv spelt that rite ahaha) hope your feeling better soon hun just rest as much as you can xxxx


    Aw Hun, I was the same. I was scared to move in bed 🙁 I stopped taking pain killers day 4, so for me it got better from then on! Hope you feel better soon x x


    You poor thing!

    Did you have unders? Try getting some Diazepam from your doctor- it helps stop the muscle contracting so much when you move so should help the pain. It also really helps with the boobie blues. I was fine up until day 5 when I suddenly went into meltdown on my boyfriend for working late and me not wanting to eat until he got home and I couldnt take painkillers until I’d eaten… I took 5mg of diazepam, he brought me home a kebab then I was blissfully happy and floaty and got the best nights sleep I’d had all week afterwards 🙂

    Hope you feel better xxx x

    Laura -1

    Aww Babe sounds to me like the dreaded day 3 and 4! Maybe stay in bed and get some rest It will pass don’t worry :). My fella’s mom gave me diazepam……and It helped. I suffer from anxiety so I love the stuff although yesterday at the Docs he wouldn’t prescribe it! Grr…..xx


    Or Deborah hope your ok…..just put a post on here asking how everyone was who had Mounir monday.

    Did you have unders then? I had overs some people say its not as painful.

    Hope you have someone looking after you xxx


    Thanks everyone had a mini melt down was vomiting and in total regret 🙁 my gp is coming to see me this afternoon so fingers crossed I’ll get some help x

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