help!! Started by: Louise

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  • Louise

    Ok so when i lean forward i can feel my implant move but only in one breast, even if i bend down to pick something up. Its quite low near my scar so i feel it every time. Its my left breast and it also feels a bit tender, i have a few lumps underneath near incision too but these could be air bubbles. My left breast just doesn’t feel right, i know you don’t have two the same, do you think its worth contacting my Nurse or waiting until Mon when i have my 6 week check xx


    Just been in shower and the lumps are right on my in incision, quite big i could almost grab it, I’m scared

    Gemma -1

    Louise if its something thats worrying you i would phone the emergency nurse to see if you can go in earlier, even if its nothing atleast it can put your mind at rest, hope your ok xxx


    Thanks Gemma ive rang the nurse and shes reassured me, I’m gonna wait until Monday when i have my 6 week check. Hopefully its nothing but i have to keep an eye on it for other symptoms. I could feel myself filling up on the phone, I’m a right worrier xx

    Gemma -1

    Aww i bet, i only had my op Tuesday and im constantly worried theres something wrong haha!! Dreading seein my imcisions never mimd caring for them, im really squemish :/ Atleast you feel a little better and not too long before your checked over and then you will be able to wear proper bras too 🙂 xxx


    Its every little lump and bump, I’m so paranoid. I was the same about my incisions but was surprised, there very neat and ok to look at, you’ll be fine

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