Help.. Started by: Hayley Amin

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    Hi girls, I’m 2 and a half weeks PO and my left incision is healing really well. My right one is taking a little longer but at the end of my incison (towards my cleavage) it looks swollen. I’ve added a picture but it’s hard to see. If anyone has any suggestions on what to do or knows if this is normal could you let me know xxxx


    Just had a look it looks very red! Cant see if its swollen or not. But maybe our some ice on it?? And call the nurse to see what they say.


    Yeah I think I will, it’s. It sore or anything it’s just come up so I’m a bit worried x


    Sorry I meant to say it’s not sore*
    Thanks for your help though x

    aprile 1

    Hi , mine didnt heal that great on my left side (i do think i played a part in this come to think of it! I never sit still!) and my left incision took ages to heal! I just kept puttin new dressings on and dodnt rub them or get it wet. Everynow and then let some air get to it and it eventually healed. My scar is a little worse on that side but just leave it alone to heal dont pick or mess xxxx

    Laura 13

    Looks ok to me. My left one also tuk longer to heal than right and didnt look good bur looking so much better now

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