HELP! 295cc mod plus extra OR 300/325cc high, round under muscle? Started by: Sophie

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  • Sophie 1

    Hey everyone, new to the forum and first post here so be kind, haha.
    I’m currently stuck between what size to go for and was wondering if you could help me out!
    Either 295cc, moderate plus extra profile, round, under muscle
    300cc / 325cc, high profile, round, under muscle.
    Textured implants.
    I’ve decided to get a breast aug and full tummy tuck since losing around 40kg body fat as I’ve been left with excess skin which massively affects my confidence.
    I want to achieve a fairly natural look with my breasts but I also want them to be a little full on top and have that curved cleavage line!
    I’m 5’1” and 54kg – I’ve attached photos both with and without a bra on.
    If anyone has a similar build or has the sizes I’m thinking about, any help would be much appreciated! 💕

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Sophie 1.
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    Ashley19 4

    Hi Sophie, I haven’t met my surgeon yet so I can’t help you out with decisions but I was wondering have you met with a surgeon yet? And was you offered a lift or just implants? Mine are pretty much very similar to yours and just wondered what you’ve been offered xx

    Sophie 1

    Hey Ashley!
    I have yeah, I was told implants alone was all I needed because there wasn’t any drooping as such, just deflation of breast tissue.
    I’m due to see my surgeon for a second appointment on Friday as I originally opted for 295cc mod plus xtra, but have been having second thoughts since the day after my initial consultation 😂
    I do want mine to look natural and probably as small as I can get away whilst filling out the excess skin.
    I’ll update on how that goes and if I do end up changing to high profile implants xx .


    325cc high profile would be great I think

    Ashley19 4

    Ah that’s good and yeah I can imagine it’s so hard deciding what you want I think about boobs all day 😂 thanks would love to see your progress xx

    Sophie 1

    For some reason my last message on 26th is awaiting moderation… 🤷🏻‍♀️
    But I’ve gone with 325cc hp unders.
    I tried the 295cc mod plus xtra again at my follow up appointment last week and instantly hated them! Haha
    So it was between 300 and 325cc hp unders as they sit better on my frame with me being petite too – attached a pic.
    Plus I’m also having a tummy tuck so I have to imagine myself smaller than I already am 😂
    My surgeon said if I went any bigger than 325s they wouldn’t be in proportion. And again, he said I didn’t need an uplift because my nipples sit above the breast crease.
    Honestly I’ve never looked at boobs so much in my life 😂
    Surgery is in 2.5 weeks so will keep you all posted! xx

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