Help! Cant decide :( (RHINO) Started by: Imo

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  • Imo

    Ive been trying to decide whether to have a rhinoplasty or not for a year or so and i want to make the decision sooon but its driving me crazy! today i thought i decided yes but people keep saying they love my nose and see nothing wrong with it. I have a very small nose so a lot of people don’t see anything wrong with it but for me it slightly goes off to one side at the end and i have a small bump on the bridge.

    How did everyone take the plunge and decide to actually book? I dont know what to do! XX


    Hey pixie, Honestly, only you can make that decision ! Your nose isn’t going anywhere, so don’t rush into anything , take as much time as you need before you decide either way. 🙂 x

    Hannah 1

    Im not having my nose done, but I guess its similar to my story with my boobs! Everyone saying that I dont need it done, but in the end I decided that if I was unhappy then I should do it! Now im all booked for surgery and cant wait!! Do it for you no one else! I have also found the negative people tend to be the jealous ones who arent brave enough to change the things their unhappy with! Hope this helps a bit!! X


    Well said Hannah! It’s not for anyone else to decide. Everyone else is happy with the way someone else looks, cos it aint them!!!! Completely up to you pixie chick – if you want it, do it, life is too short. x x x

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