Personally I’ve found the M&S one way too small and it even leaves indents in my boobs, so i don’t wear it anymore! I have the MACOM one too, and I love it!! Wish I’d have got another instead of the M&S one!! I’ve heard the MYA ones are good too?? Your PC will be able to order some of the MYA ones for you. I was told to go up at least a band size when ordering to allow for swelling, so I got 36 as apposed to my usual 32/34 and the MACOM one grows with you in the cup size, but I got 36D in M&S and way too tight!!!
I’ve got my band on for 3 weeks, sucks because it’s so tight and hurts under my armpits but it’s there for a reason!! Driving – some people are ok after a week and others like me (8dpo) and I wouldn’t even attempt it at the moment!!
Not sure on eyelashes as I only wear strip lashes, sorry!! Hope this has helped a bit xxx