Hi ladies It is a very big thing for me and few days ago got really upset cos of it. My nipples are number one for me when it comes to bed activities- that is the way I always worked- Or my body should I say. Well I can’t feel them or if i can it is painful and irritating. I hate the fact that when i rest my body agains my hubbys I can’t feel his skin. Please tell me it will change and when did you get back normal sensation in them
Im wondering this too, im only 3 days post op but cant feel my nipples at all! xx
yes it does change,well it did for me, mine went from totally numb to super sensitive,within a few weeks.xxx
Im the same huni,lm 7 weeks and numb or when my hubby grobs they really hurt. lm hoping that they do come back x
I hope mine don’t go numb that would be soo irritating x x
I’m just fed up to be fair. Loved my nipples and my hubby loves them too- now I don’t let him touch it as it makes me upset
vickysweetcheeks- did you not have uplift too? it would take a tiny bit longer I should imagine. Hope we come back to normal with our babies soon x
Dont feel upset hun. Im only 5 days post op nd my left boob is completley numb. The whole thing. Dont worry im sure you will feeling back soon x x
Yeah l had a uplift so l know it takes loads longer xx
Mine took a couple of months to return to normal and now they are extra sensitive :-] In a good way lol x
Zolza my left nipple is perfectly normal, my right one is completely numb. T.m.i but my parter was “doing his stuff” and I couldn’t feel him touching my right nipple. Very off putting and quite upsetting. Feels like your body isn’t working properly.
Everything will go back to normal, our bodies just haven’t linked up all the nerves yet. Our boobies need to settle more.
Just give it time Zolza I know how you feel.
im 14 weeks hun and still numb from half way down my boob down to my scars on both sides, i too hate the fact that when my bf touches them i cant feel it , just hoping it comes back, but part of the risk of ba is it might never come back
thank you girls, it’s so nice to have you all here x x x x
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