HELP Girls!! Bottoming out!???? Started by: Chelsea.b

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    I’ve noticed recently that my boobs are really full on the bottom and you can see the ridge of the implant quite well? I tried on a push up bra today and I just couldn’t pull them up so they were nice and full on the hope too! I mean the cleavage I got was great but there was almost no volume on my chest :s I’m 7 weeks post op today… Don’t know if maybe they still need to soften up but really worried the implants are gradually falling further and further down my chest!!!!


    I would ring a nurse just to make sure how long ago did you have them done?


    I had them done 7 weeks ago 🙁 and I’m getting married in 6 so was so paranoid in anything going wrong!! It’s strange if I put my fingers down where the incision i can atuly put my fingers almost under the implant… I made my sister feel it and she was really grossed out like there was only a wafer of skin over the implant :/

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