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    i’m 12 days post op now and had 350 unders, previously a 32a. i have had no pain or problems at all in the day BUT at night is where all the pain starts 🙁
    I have not been sleeping flat but still every morning i wake up with horrible chest pain every time i breathe in and out that seems to disappear after about 20mins of waking up and walking around.
    Last night was THE WORST night as i woke up half way through the night in agony every time i tried to take a breath. The only thing that stopped the pain a little bit was putting on my macon bra! My surgeon doesn’t recommend the macom bra as he said its a “one size fits all” type of bra and he said he doesn’t think that this would be suitable for me so advised me to purchase the asda post op surgery bra’s which i have been wearing day and night (apart from last night).
    I don’t know what this pain is but i really don’t want to have it again as i was in agony for 4 hours from 2am until 6am!
    can anyone help me? 🙁 if anyone has had any similar problems what helped?


    Hello lovely

    I think this is very normal, and ‘morning boob’ a common occurrence, due to resting all night and muscles tightening and being stiff. Like if you do a big workout and the next morning can hardly move!

    We have undergone a massive invasive surgery under our muscles so it is really to be expected. Saying that I am worrying a lot myself as I am day 1 post op from removal and replacement. This time I have 440cc under muscle and I am in AGONY morning noon night -every second. I would say I have a high pain tolerance but I would rather be crushed by a truck at this point and my pain meds providing very little relief 🙁

    Sending you positive energies xxx


    the ‘morning boob’ sensation doesn’t really bother me that much as like i said as soon as i’m up and walking around it tends to settle down.. but last night really scared me 🙁 i’m no longer taking my pain meds but think i may have to start taking them just before i go to sleep to see if this helps.

    Ohh gosh you poor thing! 🙁 get the ice packs on them.. especially on your sides under your armpits (this helped so much with me). I guess I’ve been lucky to be ‘normal’ during the day.
    what implant size did you have before if you dot mind me asking?

    hope your pain lessens over the next few days!

    keeno 18

    hi @toni I had similar pains as you, shortness of breath, sharp pains.. i was also wearing a Asda bra.. however i changed to a M&S high impact bra and i the pains stopped and breathing was fine! i also felt the M&S Bras were more supportive and my boobs didn’t move and stayed in place, whereas the asda ones loose their shape very quickly… im almost 4 weeks PO and im so glad i bought these xxx

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