HELP – Major Odd Sizes 1DPO Started by: Amy

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  • Amy 14


    Probably over reacting here but, I’ve had my surgery today 🙈 and one boob is a lot higher and bigger then the other. They weren’t different sizes before the op.

    My surgeon’s just popped in, but they always seem to casual and quick. He said he doesnt want me to have a bra at first just a breast strap which is fine. However my concern is that the left is a lot lot bigger then the right, he just said he would come bk in an hour to check again. I know this is a process and I need to be patient I just feel worried at the dramatic size diff.

    Did anyone else have this and did it sort itself out?

    Help xxxx

    Heidi 17

    Honestly atm it’ll all be to do with swelling in recon. One of mine looked a lot bigger than the other but they told me it’s as that side which had 25cc more in needed abit more work to get it in so it’s was all just abit bruised but please remember you should not worry about sizing until swelling has gone down, your body has been through something quite traumatic! Hope you feel better soon x

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