Help! Offered 250cc and 275cc Moderate plus overs but feel they are too small? Started by: BA_283

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  • BA_283 20

    Hi everyone,
    I’m around a size 10, 5ft 6 and currently a 32C although I fit into a D in Ann summers! Im hoping to have medium size boobs so not too big and not too small. Enough for cleavage and to make them look fuller mainly! I had a consultation with Dr Lutz and she really is brilliant. She’s so straight forward and confident so that makes me happy. She offered the size I mentioned above (I have one boob that is slightly bigger). After seeing pictures and reading lots of different forums I’m worried they’re going to be too small and that I won’t notice much of a difference? I’ve seen pictures of people with similar starting stats and they have had the same size implant (275cc) but their boobs look completely different to each other, which I don’t understand because surely the same size implant in two different people should look the same? I’m seeing her again soon and asking if I can go into the 300’s mark and use her professional opinion to see if it’s right for me. I’m a bit of a control freak and just wish I knew what they would look like after surgery and pick my size from there!

    Can anyone help answer whether 250cc and 275cc moderate plus overs will make much of a difference? Or should I push to go bigger? Thanks in advance.

    Lara 30

    Implant sizes tend to look different on different people, as the more breast tissue you have the bigger they look. So an implant on an A cup person will give a smaller final cup size than someone who gets the same size but was originally a C cup. If you are already fitting to a C or D cup, a 300+ implant may make you a DD or E depending on how big you go. I have different stats from you and got 375cc ultra high, but as I started out as a 32AA I think I will be full C/Small D at most.
    No harm in asking if bigger is possible, what is the biggest you can go and try on the bigger sizers to see how they look. Mod plus have less projection but more width for cleavage, but if you go for a small implant it might be worth asking how high profile would suit your frame as well

    BA_283 20

    Thank you very much for your help!! My consultation is tomorrow! X

    Hannah 29

    I have 225 nd 250hp overs and have gone from 34aa to 34d/dd. I’m 5″4, around 10 stone and size 8-10

    BA_283 20

    Wow that’s amazing!! What a difference!! Have you got any before and after pictures! People keep telling me I’m going really small and it’s worrying me but I totally trust Dr Lutz xxx

    BA_283 20

    Hi everyone just an update,
    Surgery is booked so that’s a start! Feel excited but also hoping I’ve made a smart decision. The main focus is to correct asymmetry. So I’m having 250HP in the left because it’s smaller and projects out less and 275M+ (potentially 275HP) in the right. I’ve never heard of a surgeon using different profile implants but it makes sense! She is going to try a few sizes during surgery. Was a bit deflated after my consultation only because I had planned to go bigger, and worry that the size implants will not make much of a difference but I have every faith that they will make at least SOME difference. As always, Dr Lutz has been fantastic and i put every ounce of trust and faith in her. Tried on the implants again today and I pray they look like this in a similar top! X

    BA_283 20


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by BA_283 20.

    If it helps I was a 32AA before and was offered 225cc and 250cc HP under the muscle implants by dr lutz , on the day she said she would go with whatever would fit (she fit 250cc but she did partial not under the muscle completely) I’ve attached a photo I’m only 3 weeks post op so they should drop and fluff , I got a fitting the other day she said I’m a 32C but should drop and fluff to a D of DD ? I have a very petite frame I’m 5’2 and size 6 or extra small in most clothes

    BA_283 20

    Wow they look fantastic Katie how are you getting on with them? They’ve made such a difference so I’m super hopeful now!! How do they look in a normal vest top? Xx

    BA_283 20

    Whoops deleted the pic to my previous update!

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    Laurel 2

    I have 295cc and gone from a 30aa to a 30E I had unders xx


    In love with them! Just right for my frame I think even if I wanted any bigger would look silly on me plus I wanted more of a shape from my side profile instead of looking so flat but also got it for if I ever wanted to Wear low cut tops as I never had the confidence to! I will try and find a photo for you x


    Here’s a photo I’ve found when I sneakily tried on one of my old bikinis but it wouldn’t fit at the back anymore! This was 5 days post op , the other photo is what the support bra looked like before my op vs after so it filled it out and that was 6 days post op so have gotten a big bigger since x


    Few more lol x

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