Help please- 260 or 300 unders? Not sure what to do! Started by: oxfordgirl

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    I’ve got my BA booked for 12th sept and still debating over the size! I’m tall (5 ft 9) and about size 8-10. At the moment I’m just under an A cup and hoping to achieve a C cup. However, reading some of the comments has worried me that if I got 300s I could end up being much bigger than a C. I really don’t want to be anymore than a C!


    125/150cc is 1 cup size so i think the 300 would prob giv u a C cup, some ppl have had a smaller size than tht tho but came out bigger than a C so am nt sure.



    Sounds like ur the same size as me – i have been advised that 380cc under the muscle would suit my frame best i want to be a full c at the end of it x


    I have had 340cc under and i am a C cup now!!


    Thanks for all the comments. Tyne, what size were you before if you don’t mind me asking? I really want to be a C and worried about being too big!!


    Hi oxfordgirl, i would suggest to go to the bigger size, i had 325 CC overs and am a D cup now 6 wks post op. im also 5’9 but not as slim as you unfortunately. You get used to them so quickly


    Hi oxfordgirl im booked for the 19th sept&having 260 in left boob&280 in right want a full c too??Just realised its today for ur op good luck!xx


    hi oxford girl,like you im a 34a im having 410 in one & 380 in the other mr kazzazi says that will take me to a full c small d.a previous surgeon recommended 260 &300 mr kazazzi said the bigger size would look better ,so if you dont want to be too big you should be ok with that size x

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